Re: [PATCH 1/2] regmap: only call custom reg_update_bits() if reg is marked volatile

From: Mark Brown
Date: Mon Oct 05 2015 - 11:38:14 EST

On Mon, Oct 05, 2015 at 09:29:31AM -0400, jon@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> From: Jon Ringle <jringle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> The only time that it makes sense to call a custom provided reg_update_bits
> function, is the register being updated is one that has volatile bits.
> Otherwise, the normal read/modify/write cycle (where the read is likely to
> be free from the cache) will do just fine. This should keep the reg cache
> intact, since volatile registers won't get cached anyway.

Dave, to be clear please do *not* apply this patch at least for the time
being - I've not reviewed it or the one from Thursday that you applied
this morning.

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