Re: [PATCH] platform/chrome: Make CROS_EC_PROTO a user selectable option

From: Geert Uytterhoeven
Date: Tue Aug 18 2015 - 09:54:25 EST

Hi Javier,

On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 3:44 PM, Javier Martinez Canillas
<javier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Yes, the original Kconfig warning message was:
>>> warning: (MFD_CROS_EC) selects CHROME_PLATFORMS which has unmet direct dependencies (X86 || ARM)
>>> Paul fixed on [0] by making MFD_CROS_EC depends on X86 || ARM but that
>>> is not really true since the driver could be used in other platforms so
>>> I tried to instead fix it by removing unneeded dependencies in [1] but
>>> one of the patches was nacked by Geert [2] who mentioned the issue about
>>> mixing select and "depends on".
>> I think that Geert's comments are valid. Dependencies should limit
>> the config option to the archs for which the driver is really needed
>> (the rest can be handled with COMPILE_TEST dependency).
> Yes, which is true for the drivers under CHROME_PLATFORMS (i.e: CROS_EC_LPC
> has X86 || COMPILE_TEST) but my point was that CHROME_PLATFORMS is not a
> driver but a submenu that has (for now) drivers for ARM and X86. But that
> doesn't mean that a Chromebook for another arch could be produced and then
> you will need to add a X86 || ARM || FOO || BAR || COMPILE_TEST for
> CHROME_PLATFORMS which seems to me kind of silly.

However, that's usually the way it is done: such a dependency is added to
prevent the question from showing up on platforms where it doesn't make

If the drivers become needed on other platforms, the dependency can be



Geert Uytterhoeven -- There's lots of Linux beyond ia32 -- geert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

In personal conversations with technical people, I call myself a hacker. But
when I'm talking to journalists I just say "programmer" or something like that.
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