Re: [PATCHv3] staging: wilc1000: use netdev_* instead of printk

From: RaphaÃl Beamonte
Date: Tue Aug 18 2015 - 01:27:55 EST

2015-08-18 0:24 GMT-04:00 Sudip Mukherjee <sudipm.mukherjee@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> + netdev_err("[Sendconfigpkt]Get Timed out\n");
> This will not compile. you can not just replace printk with
> netdev_*, you need to mention a net_device.

You're right! I'm making a lot of mistakes. It seems I called the make
command in the wrong git tree... Thanks for catching that, and taking
time to review!
I just saw there isn't any netdev_debug available. Do you know the
reason for that? Is there a replacement besides pr_debug?
Also, it seems that in all the functions where it's another netdev
that's available that I could use, I don't have access to the
net_device struct. Is there a general way to get that device
information? I saw an old lkml post talking about dev_*() functions to
do that? Would you have some hint on the matter?

Thanks a lot!
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