This series patch V8 is changed from V7 as following:
1. The V7 MSR strange delta value is checked with locking problem. We changed
f81232_set_mctrl() & f81232_read_msr() lock mechanism, the old version is
only locked with variable protection, new version will lock from start to
end with these 2 function.
2. f81232_set_baudrate() add error handling and no longer handle with baudrate
B0, change to handle with f81232_set_termios()
3. When user set baudrate larger then 115200, we will change it with 115200
and tty_encode_baud_rate() in f81232_set_termios().
4. V7 f81232_set_baudrate() divisor declared with type u8, it will make
baudrate set failed with smaller then B600 (115200/300=384 overflow :Q).
We changed it with integer type for divisor larger then 256.