Re: [PATCH] regulator: Ensure voltages are within the allowed range

From: Mark Brown
Date: Wed Nov 12 2014 - 09:50:11 EST

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 01:02:04PM +0100, Thierry Reding wrote:

> Perhaps rather than checking that the voltage is within the valid range
> we could at least cover the case where voltage is zero, which is what
> triggered me to write this patch.

Anything which has a voltage of zero is buggy anyway, zero volts is the
off state and should show up as such. If we don't have a voltage then
the enable should fail.

> Do you have any recommendations to work around this other than adjusting
> the actual voltage to be within the range?

Such regulators need a way of providing a bootsrapping voltage if
they're off when we start I think.

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