Re: [PATCH] net: eth: realtek: atp: checkpatch errors and warnings corrected

From: Roberto Medina
Date: Mon Nov 03 2014 - 14:09:11 EST

On 11/03/2014 07:51 PM, Joe Perches wrote:

Some ancient drivers could be regarded as neolithic
curiosities that never need updating. This may be one.

But if you really want to change it, could you please
make sure that objdiff shows no changes?

I see some changes with objdiff, maybe this is caused by the include file that I changed to linux/io.h instead of asm/io.h

--- /home/vov/Git/linux-next/.tmp_objdiff/a641d0e/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/atp.dis 2014-11-03 19:59:18.723954900 +0100
+++ /home/vov/Git/linux-next/.tmp_objdiff/5f19b70/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/atp.dis 2014-11-03 20:00:34.133954217 +0100
@@ -1753,9 +1753,8 @@
: e3 0a jrcxz 4c4 <__gcov_.atp_probe1+0x14>
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
-: e2 e2 loop 4a0 <__gcov_.atp_init+0x20>
-: 9c pushfq
-: 9a (bad)
+: 4b b4 98 rex.WXB mov $0x98,%r12b
+: ac lods %ds:(%rsi),%al
: 67 2f addr32 (bad)
: e4 e3 in $0xe3,%al
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
@@ -1767,30 +1766,37 @@
: e4 0a in $0xa,%al
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
-: a5 movsl %ds:(%rsi),%es:(%rdi)
-: 21 4f ca and %ecx,-0x36(%rdi)
-: a0 82 0e 4f 00 00 00 movabs 0x7000000004f0e82,%al
-: 00 07
+: d6 (bad)
+: ad lods %ds:(%rsi),%eax
+: 51 push %rcx
+: 70 a0 jo 491 <__gcov_.atp_init+0x11>
+: 82 (bad)
+: 0e (bad)
+: 4f 00 00 rex.WRXB add %r8b,(%r8)
+: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
+: 07 (bad)

0000000000000510 <__gcov_.eeprom_op>:
: e5 0a in $0xa,%eax
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
-: cd c3 int $0xc3
-: 0f c4 5c 4b fc 84 pinsrw $0x84,-0x4(%rbx,%rcx,2),%mm3
-: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
+: 54 push %rsp
+: 0e (bad)
+: dd ca (bad)
+: 5c pop %rsp
+: 4b fc rex.WXB cld
+: 84 00 test %al,(%rax)
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
-: 07 (bad)
+: 00 07 add %al,(%rdi)

0000000000000540 <__gcov_.net_open>:
: e6 0a out %al,$0xa
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
-: 52 push %rdx
-: e7 5d out %eax,$0x5d
-: 8f (bad)
+: 0f bf 0e movswl (%rsi),%ecx
+: 4f rex.WRXB
: 66 af scas %es:(%rdi),%ax
: e2 a2 loop 4f6 <__gcov_.get_node_ID+0x16>
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
@@ -1802,15 +1808,16 @@
: e7 0a out %eax,$0xa
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
-: a9 17 a9 64 dc test $0xdc64a917,%eax
-: 20 8c 1d 00 00 00 00 and %cl,0x0(%rbp,%rbx,1)
+: 21 8a b7 70 dc 20 and %ecx,0x20dc70b7(%rdx)
+: 8c 1d 00 00 00 00 mov %ds,0x0(%rip) # 588 <__gcov_.hardware_init+0x18>
: 0f 00 00 sldt (%rax)

00000000000005a0 <__gcov_.trigger_send>:
-: e8 0a 00 00 b9 callq ffffffffb90005b7 <net_open+0xffffffffb8ffeeb8>
-: d3 0c 12 rorl %cl,(%rdx,%rdx,1)
+: e8 0a 00 00 38 callq 380005b7 <net_open+0x37ffeeb8>
+: 2e cs
+: e7 bb out %eax,$0xbb
: b9 43 f3 81 00 mov $0x81f343,%ecx
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
: 00 04 00 add %al,(%rax,%rax,1)
@@ -1818,10 +1825,10 @@

00000000000005d0 <__gcov_.write_packet>:
-: e9 0a 00 00 63 jmpq 630005e7 <net_open+0x62ffeee8>
-: e5 05 in $0x5,%eax
-: 96 xchg %eax,%esi
-: 27 (bad)
+: e9 0a 00 00 05 jmpq 50005e7 <net_open+0x4ffeee8>
+: 54 push %rsp
+: 5f pop %rdi
+: 23 27 and (%rdi),%esp
: 0d e5 2c 00 00 or $0x2ce5,%eax
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
: 15 00 00 00 00 adc $0x0,%eax
@@ -1831,7 +1838,7 @@
: ea (bad)
: 0a 00 or (%rax),%al
-: 00 2d d0 35 4c 7a add %ch,0x7a4c35d0(%rip) # 7a4c3be1 <net_open+0x7a4c24e2>
+: 00 8e bf 72 94 7a add %cl,0x7a9472bf(%rsi)
: c4 61 e7 00 (bad)
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
: 00 06 add %al,(%rsi)
@@ -1841,9 +1848,11 @@
: eb 0a jmp 644 <__gcov_.atp_send_packet+0x14>
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
-: 78 ac js 5ea <__gcov_.write_packet+0x1a>
-: 9b fwait
-: 4f 63 b6 a7 f3 00 00 rex.WRXB movslq 0xf3a7(%r14),%r14
+: 4e ed rex.WRX in (%dx),%eax
+: 5b pop %rbx
+: dd 63 b6 frstor -0x4a(%rbx)
+: a7 cmpsl %es:(%rdi),%ds:(%rsi)
+: f3 00 00 repz add %al,(%rax)
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
: 0c 00 or $0x0,%al
@@ -1852,9 +1861,10 @@
: ec in (%dx),%al
: 0a 00 or (%rax),%al
-: 00 66 37 add %ah,0x37(%rsi)
-: 2f (bad)
-: d0 3e sarb (%rsi)
+: 00 f9 add %bh,%cl
+: 64 4d fs rex.WRB
+: 44 rex.R
+: 3e ds
: 16 (bad)
: 72 d7 jb 64b <__gcov_.atp_send_packet+0x1b>
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
@@ -1866,8 +1876,9 @@
: ed in (%dx),%eax
: 0a 00 or (%rax),%al
-: 00 50 2e add %dl,0x2e(%rax)
-: 24 2a and $0x2a,%al
+: 00 5a 73 add %bl,0x73(%rdx)
+: 56 push %rsi
+: cf iret
: b0 28 mov $0x28,%al
: 9e sahf
: 0c 00 or $0x0,%al
@@ -1879,9 +1890,9 @@
: ee out %al,(%dx)
: 0a 00 or (%rax),%al
-: 00 60 1b add %ah,0x1b(%rax)
-: f5 cmc
-: b9 ca 01 fa fa mov $0xfafa01ca,%ecx
+: 00 85 af 2d b0 ca add %al,-0x354fd251(%rbp)
+: 01 fa add %edi,%edx
+: fa cli
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
: 17 (bad)
@@ -1891,7 +1902,8 @@
: ef out %eax,(%dx)
: 0a 00 or (%rax),%al
-: 00 b3 fb 8e ed 58 add %dh,0x58ed8efb(%rbx)
+: 00 e8 add %ch,%al
+: 09 7c 81 58 or %edi,0x58(%rcx,%rax,4)
: 32 13 xor (%rbx),%dl
: 9d popfq
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
@@ -1902,7 +1914,8 @@
0000000000000720 <__gcov_.net_close>:
: f0 0a 00 lock or (%rax),%al
-: 00 ae b2 85 8a 2a add %ch,0x2a8a85b2(%rsi)
+: 00 54 b3 8a add %dl,-0x76(%rbx,%rsi,4)
+: 3b 2a cmp (%rdx),%ebp
: 24 53 and $0x53,%al
: 13 00 adc (%rax),%eax
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
@@ -1913,11 +1926,7 @@
: f1 icebp
: 0a 00 or (%rax),%al
-: 00 20 add %ah,(%rax)
-: f5 cmc
-: d4 (bad)
-: c7 (bad)
-: 96 xchg %eax,%esi
+: 00 b5 7a 16 07 96 add %dh,-0x69f8e986(%rbp)
: df 25 67 00 00 00 fbld 0x67(%rip) # 7ce <__gcov_.atp_init_module+0x4e>
: 00 04 00 add %al,(%rax,%rax,1)
@@ -1925,10 +1934,7 @@
0000000000000780 <__gcov_.atp_init_module>:
: f2 0a 00 repnz or (%rax),%al
-: 00 3f add %bh,(%rdi)
-: 2e cs
-: 04 c9 add $0xc9,%al
-: 9e sahf
+: 00 a6 4d 6b ed 9e add %ah,-0x611294b3(%rsi)
: 66 data16
: b2 b6 mov $0xb6,%dl
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
@@ -1940,7 +1946,8 @@
: 30 34 00 xor %dh,(%rax,%rax,1)
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
-: 00 6c 48 04 add %ch,0x4(%rax,%rcx,2)
+: 00 2c c8 add %ch,(%rax,%rcx,8)
+: 06 (bad)
: 77 00 ja 7d5 <__gcov_.atp_init_module+0x55>
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
@@ -1950,9 +1957,8 @@
0000000000000840 <__gcov_.atp_cleanup_module>:
: f3 0a 00 repz or (%rax),%al
-: 00 20 add %ah,(%rax)
-: d2 18 rcrb %cl,(%rax)
-: bd 5e f3 45 61 mov $0x6145f35e,%ebp
+: 00 bb a8 99 b6 5e add %bh,0x5eb699a8(%rbx)
+: f3 45 61 repz rex.RB (bad)
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
: 00 00 add %al,(%rax)
: 04 00 add $0x0,%al
@@ -2076,13 +2082,13 @@
0000000000000c50 <__gcov0.atp_cleanup_module>:

-0000000000000c70 <num_tx_since_rx.44203>:
+0000000000000c70 <num_tx_since_rx.44241>:

-0000000000000c78 <__key.44146>:
+0000000000000c78 <__key.44184>:

-0000000000000c80 <__key.44121>:
+0000000000000c80 <__key.44159>:

0000000000000c88 <root_atp_dev>:

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