Re: [PATCH] r8169: Enable RX_MULTI_EN for RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_40
From: David Miller
Date: Wed Jul 16 2014 - 23:29:57 EST
From: Michel Dänzer <michel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 09:55:59 +0900
> On 17.07.2014 07:25, David Miller wrote:
>> From: Francois Romieu <romieu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 23:54:12 +0200
>>> Hayes Wang <hayeswang@xxxxxxxxxxx> :
>>>> Michel D?nzer [mailto:michel@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>>> [...]
>>>>> Without this, the ethernet port on my ASUS A88X Pro mainboard stops
>>>>> working sometimes, with messages like these in dmesg:
>>>>> AMD-Vi: Event logged [IO_PAGE_FAULT device=05:00.0
>>>>> domain=0x001e address=0x0000000000003000 flags=0x0050]
>>>> I search the information about your issue. It seems to be
>>>> relative to the IOMMU. I don't sure if your patch is the root
>>>> cause or a workaround.
>>> Btw, a few extra identifiers in rtl_init_rxcfg may improve consistency:
>>> missing | included
>>> -------------------------------+-------------------------------
>>> RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_36 (8168f) | RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_35 (8168f)
>>> RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_38 (RTL8411) | RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_44 (RTL8411)
>>> RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_39 (RTL8106e) | RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_43 (RTL8106e)
>>> RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_37 (RTL8402) |
>> Michel please take Francois's feedback here into consideration and also
>> provide a more detailed commit message so other people reading the commit
>> can understand your reasoning for making this change, not just what the
>> result might be for making it.
> I'm afraid I can't do that. I don't really understand any of this stuff,
> I just googled the IOMMU event message, found similar patches for other
> chipsets, and adapted them for my mainboard until the problem stopped.
And if so, that's exactly what I want you to say in the commit message.
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