Re: [PATCH 2/5] kbuild: LLVMLinux: Adapt warnings for compilation with clang

From: Dave Jones
Date: Tue Feb 25 2014 - 20:18:42 EST

On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 05:08:40PM -0800, behanw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> When compiling kernel with clang, disable warnings which are too noisy, and
> add the clang flag catch-undefined-behavior.
> +# Clang
> +warning-1 += $(call cc-disable-warning, initializer-overrides)
> +warning-1 += $(call cc-disable-warning, unused-value)
> +warning-1 += $(call cc-disable-warning, format)
> +warning-1 += $(call cc-disable-warning, unknown-warning-option)
> +warning-1 += $(call cc-disable-warning, self-assign)
> +warning-1 += $(call cc-disable-warning, sign-compare)
> +warning-1 += $(call cc-disable-warning, format-zero-length)
> +warning-1 += $(call cc-disable-warning, uninitialized)
> +warning-1 += $(call cc-option, -fcatch-undefined-behavior)

Do you have a pointer to an example log-file from before this change ?
I'm curious for eg, which self-assign warnings are showing up,
because I've been fixing up the ones that Coverity found, of which
there are only a dozen or so left iirc.

Some of the others may also be interesting.


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