Re: [PATCH RESEND][pciutils] libpci: pci_id_lookup - add udev/hwdb support
From: Kay Sievers
Date: Sun Dec 15 2013 - 04:49:49 EST
On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 10:18 AM, Martin Mares <mj@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello Kay,
>> Libpci and its linear search through megabytes of text files for evey
>> new query is too inefficient, that we cannot afford to use it during
>> early bootup. It was the largest hit left in bootup profiling on
>> machines booting userspace in the sub-1-second range on common
>> machines. It was probably never meant to provide efficient queries,
>> but it's the reason we can never use it during early boot.
> I do not know what you are speaking about -- libpci definitely does
> not perform linear scans on pci.ids. It builds a hash table from pci.ids
> on the first query and and all subsequent queries are O(1) on average.
It does that per process doing that, and that's the problem for how
udev works/worked. The binary hwdb is on-disk and can be mmaped, and
there is no difference between initialization, first, or subsequent
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