Re: [PATCH v2 1/2] mmc: arasan: Add driver for Arasan SDHCI

From: Michal Simek
Date: Tue Nov 12 2013 - 03:53:44 EST

Hi Chris,

On 11/06/2013 10:41 PM, SÃren Brinkmann wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> any comments from your side? Could you consider applying it to your
> tree, please?

any update on this one?

What's the naming convention we should follow?

Is sdhci-of-arasan.c OK? Or should we use sdhci-arasan.c instead?


Michal Simek, Ing. (M.Eng), OpenPGP -> KeyID: FE3D1F91
w: p: +42-0-721842854
Maintainer of Linux kernel - Microblaze cpu -
Maintainer of Linux kernel - Xilinx Zynq ARM architecture
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