Re: [PATCH 1/1] Add strong pullup emulation to w1-gpio master driver.

From: Evgeny Boger
Date: Mon Nov 11 2013 - 20:07:27 EST

+David Fries <david@xxxxxxxxx>

Hi David,

Would you please comment on this?

11/12/2013 05:03 AM, Evgeniy Polyakov:

12.11.2013, 03:32, "Evgeny Boger" <eugenyboger@xxxxxxxxx>:
Why did you drop this check? It has nothing with w1-gpio driver
This check prevents master from implementing "set_pullup" provided it does support only "write_bit" method.
The comment above states that
w1_io.c would need to support calling set_pullup before - * the last write_bit operation of a w1_write_8 which it currently - * doesn't.
which is kind of strange, since it describes what w1_io.c actually does support.

w1_write_8 (w1_io.c:154,
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
if (i == 7)
w1_touch_bit(dev, (byte >> i) & 0x1);
It seems like w1_write_8() calls w1_pre_write(), which in turn calls set_pullup() just before the last write_bit().

I'm not sure why this check was there in the first place.
Please add author of those lines to clarify things.
This doesn't look obvious to me

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