Re: [PATCH v7 1/4] spinlock: A new lockref structure for locklessupdate of refcount

From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Sun Sep 01 2013 - 16:59:27 EST

On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 8:32 AM, Linus Torvalds
<torvalds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 3:01 AM, Sedat Dilek <sedat.dilek@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Looks like this is now 10x faster: ~2.66Mloops (debug) VS.
>> ~26.60Mloops (no-debug).
> Ok, that's getting to be in the right ballpark.

So I installed my new i7-4770S yesterday - somewhat lower frequency
than my previous CPU, but it has four cores plus HT, and boy does that
show the scalability problems better.

My test-program used to get maybe 15% time in spinlock. On the 4770S,
with current -git (so no lockref) I get this:

[torvalds@i5 test-lookup]$ for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do ./a.out ; done
Total loops: 26656873
Total loops: 26701572
Total loops: 26698526
Total loops: 26752993
Total loops: 26710556

with a profile that looks roughly like:

84.14% a.out _raw_spin_lock
3.04% a.out lg_local_lock
2.16% a.out vfs_getattr
1.16% a.out dput.part.15
0.67% a.out copy_user_enhanced_fast_string
0.55% a.out complete_walk

[ Side note: Al, that lg_local_lock really is annoying: it's
br_read_lock(mntput_no_expire), with two thirds of the calls coming
from mntput_no_expire, and the rest from path_init -> lock_rcu_walk.

I really really wonder if we could get rid of the
br_read_lock(&vfsmount_lock) for rcu_walk_init(), and use just the RCU
read accesses for the mount-namespaces too. What is that lock really
protecting against during lookup anyway? ]

With the last lockref patch I sent out, it looks like this:

[torvalds@i5 test-lookup]$ for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do ./a.out ; done
Total loops: 54740529
Total loops: 54568346
Total loops: 54715686
Total loops: 54715854
Total loops: 54790592

28.55% a.out lockref_get_or_lock
20.65% a.out lockref_put_or_lock
9.06% a.out dput
6.37% a.out lg_local_lock
5.45% a.out lookup_fast
3.77% a.out d_rcu_to_refcount
2.03% a.out vfs_getattr
1.75% a.out copy_user_enhanced_fast_string
1.16% a.out link_path_walk
1.15% a.out avc_has_perm_noaudit
1.14% a.out __lookup_mnt

so performance more than doubled (on that admittedly stupid
benchmark), and you can see that the cacheline bouncing for that
reference count is still a big deal, but at least it gets some real
work done now because we're not spinning waiting for it.

So you can see the bad case with even just a single socket when the
benchmark is just targeted enough. But two cores just wasn't enough to
show any performance advantage.

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