Re: Bluez with uclibc

From: Rob Landley
Date: Mon Jul 08 2013 - 22:19:44 EST

On 07/08/2013 03:06:15 AM, lkml@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Today, I need to cross compile Bluez for arm with uclibc library into Buildroot environment.
However, I meet some dependencies between bluez-utils package and MMU deactivation due to dBus.

Do you know a way to use Bluez with uclibc library?

Dunno about buildroot, but if you just want to statically link something against uClibc on arm, you could grab either the cross or native "armv5l" compiler from

and add its "bin" subdirectory to your $PATH. I just updated that toolchain so it's using the 3.10 headers (yes, with the patch for the kernel developers never did fix), and it's the last release version of uClibc (from a year and change ago, but that's uClibc for you).

As for fixing dependencies beyond "building against uClibc", that's a buildroot question. They have their own mailing list...

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