Re: [PATCH RFC] net: lls epoll support

From: yaniv saar
Date: Tue Jun 25 2013 - 10:26:12 EST

On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 2:42 PM, Eliezer Tamir
<eliezer.tamir@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This is a wild hack, just as a POC to show the power or LLS with epoll.
> We assume that we only ever need to poll on one device queue,
> so the first FD that reports POLL_LL gets saved aside so we can poll on.
> While this assumption is wrong in so many ways, it's very easy to satisfy
> with a micro-benchmark.
> [this patch needs the poll patch to be applied first]
> with sockperf doing epoll on 1000 sockets I see an avg latency of 6us

hi eliezer,

please consider the following solution for epoll that is based on
polling dev+queue.
instead of looping over the socket as in LLS, maintain in eventpool
struct a list of device+queues (qdlist).
the dqlist must be unique w.r.t. device+queue, (no two identical
device+queues items in qdlist).
each device+queues item (qditem) holds:
* device (id)
* queue (id)
* list of epi (epilist) that created this qditem
- I think it won't be possible to extend epitem (breaks cache aligned
to 128)... instead you can have a simple ll_usec list.
* ll_usec, the maximum time to poll from all the referring epi items.
finally, polling should iterate over the qdlist once, and then check for events.

as far as coding this sketch involves:
1) adjust eventpoll struct.
2) initialize on creation (epoll_create)
3) update the list on modification (epoll_ctl)
3.1) ep_insert->add this epi/ll_usec in relevant qditem (or create new
one), and update qditem->ll_usec
3.2) ep_remove->remove this epi/ll_usec from relevant qditem (MUST be
existing -- sort of ref counting), and update qditem->ll_usec
3.3) ep_modify->...
4) on polling event (epoll_wait)
ep_poll->if qdlist is not empty, then find the maximum ll_usec (could
be done while maintaining...)
... and just before going into wait ...
if max ll_usec!=0
poll once on all device+queues in the qdlist.
continue to the next iteration (check events).
5) to support this flow we also need to implement API for
5.1) given a file/fd/epi, if is a sock then get the device+queue.
5.2) poll over a given device+queue (dq_poll_ll) once.
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