Re: [PATCH] acpi/video: lcd_get_level_current doen't return current level

From: Danny Baumann
Date: Sun Mar 31 2013 - 02:15:42 EST

Artem Savkov <artem.savkov@xxxxxxxxx> schrieb:

>acpi_video_device_lcd_get_level_current() called
>with "*level" as a second argument, resulting in level being returned
>based on
>initial input, not current brightness, breaking backlight controls.

I don't think this change is correct. As level was passed as parameter into the evaluation of _BQC, *level contains the AML returned brightness level afterwards, so it's correct to use it as an input to acpi_video_bqc_value_to_level(). Actually, the whole point of acpi_video_device_lcd_get_level_current() is to update device->brightness->curr, so it doesn't make sense to me to use it in that function.

What's the exact problem this patch tries to solve?


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