Re: fasync race in fs/fcntl.c

From: Al Viro
Date: Sat Mar 02 2013 - 14:25:23 EST

On Sat, Mar 02, 2013 at 06:42:43PM +0000, Al Viro wrote:
> ... what makes you think that it's fown->lock, in the first place?
> > [172635.399651] <<EOE>> [<ffffffff816c3e13>] _raw_read_lock+0x13/0x20
> > [172635.399654] [<ffffffff811a4532>] send_sigio+0x52/0xf0
> send_sigio() is
> [initialization of a local variable to 1]
> read_lock(&fown->lock);
> [getting type and pid, checking them]
> read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
> [loop doing the majority of work]
> read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
> read_unlock(&fown->lock);
> and you are at about 1/3 into the function. Who said it's fown->lock and
> not tasklist_lock? Could you check (or post) disassembly of send_sigio
> to see which one it is?

FWIW, after having grabbed Ubuntu binary of 3.8.0-8 generic (yours is -7, it's
not immediately visible on their site and the odds the damn thing has changed
in send_sigio() between those revisions are low):

send_sigio: (address is off by 16 compared to yours)
ffffffff811a4bf0: e8 cb b5 52 00 callq 0xffffffff816d01c0
(that's __fentry__)
ffffffff811a4bf5: 55 push %rbp
ffffffff811a4bf6: 48 89 e5 mov %rsp,%rbp
ffffffff811a4bf9: 41 57 push %r15
ffffffff811a4bfb: 41 89 d7 mov %edx,%r15d
ffffffff811a4bfe: 41 56 push %r14
ffffffff811a4c00: 41 89 f6 mov %esi,%r14d
ffffffff811a4c03: 41 55 push %r13
ffffffff811a4c05: 41 54 push %r12
ffffffff811a4c07: 53 push %rbx
ffffffff811a4c08: 48 89 fb mov %rdi,%rbx
ffffffff811a4c0b: 48 83 ec 10 sub $0x10,%rsp
ffffffff811a4c0f: e8 1c 32 52 00 callq 0xffffffff816c7e30
(first _raw_read_lock())

ffffffff811a4c14: 44 8b 4b 10 mov 0x10(%rbx),%r9d
ffffffff811a4c18: 41 83 f9 03 cmp $0x3,%r9d
ffffffff811a4c1c: 0f 84 a6 00 00 00 je 0xffffffff811a4cc8
ffffffff811a4c22: c7 45 d4 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1,-0x2c(%rbp)
ffffffff811a4c29: 4c 8b 63 08 mov 0x8(%rbx),%r12
ffffffff811a4c2d: 4d 85 e4 test %r12,%r12
ffffffff811a4c30: 74 5b je 0xffffffff811a4c8d
ffffffff811a4c32: 48 c7 c7 40 60 c0 81 mov $0xffffffff81c06040,%rdi
ffffffff811a4c39: 44 89 4d c8 mov %r9d,-0x38(%rbp)
ffffffff811a4c3d: e8 ee 31 52 00 callq 0xffffffff816c7e30
... and this was the second one, i.e. read_lock(&tasklist_lock). Note that
return address is send_sigio + 0x52, just as in your trace.

In other words, tasklist_lock it is...
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