3.8-rc2/rc3 write() blocked on CLOSE_WAIT TCP socket

From: Eric Wong
Date: Thu Jan 10 2013 - 19:49:02 EST

The below Ruby script reproduces the issue for me with write()
getting stuck, usually with a few iterations (sometimes up to 100).

I've reproduced this with 3.8-rc2 and rc3, even with Mel's partial
revert patch in <20130110194212.GJ13304@xxxxxxx> applied.

I can not reproduce this with 3.7.1+
stable-queue 2afd72f59c518da18853192ceeebead670ced5ea
So this seems to be a new bug from the 3.8 cycle...

Fortunately, this bug far easier for me to reproduce than the ppoll+send
(toosleepy) failures.

Both socat and ruby (Ruby 1.8, 1.9, 2.0 should all work), along with
common shell tools (dd, sh, cat) are required for testing this:

# 100 iterations, raise/lower the number if needed
ruby the_script_below.rb 100

lsof -p 15236 reveals this:
ruby 15236 ew 5u IPv4 23066 0t0 TCP localhost:33728->localhost:38658 (CLOSE_WAIT)

$ strace -f -p 15236
Process 15236 attached - interrupt to quit
write(5, "byebye!\n", 8

So write() to fd=5 is blocked, but the lsof shows the socket is already
in CLOSE_WAIT state. I expect write() to give me -EPIPE here since
the socat process on the reading end is long dead.

This could be an issue with sk_stream_wait_memory() that Eric Dumazet
alluded to with when I was chasing the toosleepy problem:

$ cat /proc/15236/stack
[<ffffffff8129fb19>] release_sock+0xe5/0x11b
[<ffffffff812a6328>] sk_stream_wait_memory+0x1f7/0x1fc
[<ffffffff81040d3a>] autoremove_wake_function+0x0/0x2a
[<ffffffff812d8ebf>] tcp_sendmsg+0x710/0x86d
[<ffffffff81000e34>] __switch_to+0x235/0x3c5
[<ffffffff81299c0d>] sock_aio_write+0x102/0x10d
[<ffffffff810d0b66>] do_sync_write+0x88/0xc1
[<ffffffff810d1476>] vfs_write+0xb3/0xda
[<ffffffff81036613>] ptrace_notify+0x5d/0x76
[<ffffffff810d158e>] sys_write+0x58/0x92
[<ffffffff81322669>] system_call_fastpath+0x16/0x1b
[<ffffffffffffffff>] 0xffffffffffffffff

I know many of you may not be familiar with Ruby, so I've tried to
comment the code as much as possible. Feel free to ask for

-------------------------------- 8< -------------------------------
require 'socket'
require 'tempfile'
$stdout.sync = $stderr.sync = true # don't buffer any output

# Read the number of iterations (first command-line argument)
# (ARGV[0] in Ruby is argv[1] in C)
iterations = ARGV[0].to_i
iterations > 0 or abort "Usage: #$0 ITERATIONS (iterations should be > 0)"

# Capture a temporary file name for using in the shell script (below)
tmp = Tempfile.new('out')
out = tmp.path

# This is an array of FIFO path names, we create two of them:
fifos = []
%w(a b).each do |name|
fifotmp = Tempfile.new([name, '.fifo'])

# get the pathname from the Tempfile object
fifoname = fifotmp.path
fifos << fifoname

# This unlinks the temporary pathname so mkfifo can succeed
# (yes, there's a tiny race here but unlikely to ever happen).

# create the FIFO
system("mkfifo", fifoname) or abort "mkfifo #{fifoname} failed: #$?"

# bind to a random TCP port over loopback
addr = ""
srv = TCPServer.new(addr, 0)
port = srv.addr[1]

# Start the TCP server in a child process
pid = fork do
response = "byebye!\n"
n = -1 # count the client number, first client is n==0
while client = srv.accept # this is an accept(2) wrapper
n += 1
warn "Accepted client=#{n}"
# this is select(2)
warn "Waiting on client=#{n} to become readable"
IO.select([client], nil, nil, 5) or abort "BUG: #{client} not readable"

# read the request, it should be "hihi"
warn "Reading from client=#{n}"
req = client.gets
if req =~ /hihi/
warn "sending infinite response to client=#{n}"
client.sync = true # do not buffer output

# just write the response in an infinite loop on the socket
# The client will only read 4K (see dd below), disconnect,
# and trigger Errno::EPIPE.
# This just calls write(2) in a loop
loop { client.write(response) }
warn "Client sent bad request: #{req}"
rescue => e
warn "Got #{e.class} #{e.message} error for client=#{n}"
# this is expected, the client will only read 4K of our infinite
# response and drop the socket. We write to the fifo the
# client is running: "cat #{fifos[0]} &" on
fifo = fifos[0]
File.open(fifo, "w") do |fp|
warn "writing message to #{fifo} for client=#{n}"
fp.write("CLOSING #{n}")
warn "done writing message to #{fifo} for client=#{n}"
warn "Done dealing with client=#{n}"
warn "Server exiting"

# close the server port in the main process, server is running in child

# ensure we shut the server down at exit
at_exit do
Process.kill(:TERM, pid)
fifos.each { |fifopath| File.unlink(fifopath) }
_, status = Process.waitpid2(pid)
puts "Server exited: #{status.inspect}"

# inline shell script here
x = <<SH
set -e

# wait for the server to write "CLOSING" above
# After enough iterations, this can get hung up on open():
cat #{fifos[0]} > #{out} &

# send a request to the server
echo hihi

# read 4K of the "byebye!" response
dd bs=4096 count=1 < #{fifos[1]} > /dev/null

# socat reads the stdout of the above ('hihi') and writes
# it to the TCP:#{addr}:#{port}, the server response goes to fifos[1],
# which the above dd(1) invocation reads the first 4K of.
# This socat is expected to error out with EPIPE here
) | socat - TCP:#{addr}:#{port} > #{fifos[1]} || :

echo "Waiting on #{fifos[0]} for client=$client"
wait # for the cat fifo[0] above
grep CLOSING #{out}
> #{out}

# run the above shell script, assign the client= variable to the
# iteration number
iterations.times do |i|
system("client=#{i}\n#{x}") or abort "client #{i} failed: #$?"

puts "All done!"

Eric Wong
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