Re: [PATCH 0/3] capebus moving omap_devices to mach-omap2

From: Koen Kooi
Date: Fri Nov 02 2012 - 06:19:00 EST

Op 2 nov. 2012, om 10:26 heeft "Cousson, Benoit" <b-cousson@xxxxxx> het volgende geschreven:

> Hi Jason,
> On 11/1/2012 7:50 PM, Jason Kridner wrote:
>> My apologies for starting a new thread, but I don't have this thread
>> in my Inbox.
>> Tony Lindgren wrote:
>>> * Pantelis Antoniou <panto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [121031 15:02]:
>>>> So when device's node is 'disabled' of_platform_device_create_pdata()
>>>> will not create the device.
>>>> Now, of course it is possible to re-trigger the platform's probe method
>>>> to be called, and in fact I do so in the capebus patches.
>>> You should fix this in generic way then rather than working
>>> around it in capebus. The same problem exists changing
>>> between different functionality for the shared pins,
>>> let's say between USB pins and UART pins if you want a
>>> serial debug console on some phone.
>> The current capebus solution goes a long way to fixing a huge issue
>> for BeagleBone users and I don't understand what seems to be a
>> push-back on principle. On BeagleBone capes, these conflicts cannot be
>> resolved early.
> I don't think there is any push-back on the principle. It is a very valid problem that does not have any solution today.
> The comments are more on the implementation.
>> Do you have suggestions on some more generic method? It seems to me
>> the proposed capebus approach strikes a good balance.
> Well, yeah, that's a generic DT issue, not a beagle-cape issue.
> We should not necessarily handle it by introducing some fake bus and some new binding like spi-dt / i2c-dt that does not mean anything in term of HW.
> DT is about pure HW representation. Introducing some fake hierarchy to make SW life easier is not necessarily the good approach.

I see, pure HW. Let's look at this:

gpio_keys {
compatible = "gpio-keys";
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&bone_lcd3_cape_keys_00A0_pins>;

#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;

button@1 {
debounce_interval = <50>;
linux,code = <105>;
label = "left";
gpios = <&gpio2 16 0x0>;

Is the "linux,code" pure hardware or have there already been exceptions to that rule?


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