Re: [PATCH]Documentation: Chinese translation of Documentation/arm/kernel_user_helpers.txt

From: harryxiyou
Date: Wed Oct 31 2012 - 06:41:56 EST

2012/10/31 Dongsheng Song <>:
> Hi,

Hi, friend
> There have some misleading in the translation:
> -------------------------------- origin --------------------------------
> User space is expected to bypass those helpers and implement those things
> inline (either in the code emitted directly by the compiler, or part of
> the implementation of a library call) when optimizing for a recent enough
> processor that has the necessary native support, but only if resulting
> binaries are already to be incompatible with earlier ARM processors due to
> usage of similar native instructions for other things. In other words
> don't make binaries unable to run on earlier processors just for the sake
> of not using these kernel helpers if your compiled code is not going to
> use new instructions for other purpose.
> -------------------------------- Fu Wei --------------------------------
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> -------------------------------- me --------------------------------
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> The attachment is my review result.

So i think you can make a patch for your new translation.

Harry Wei
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