Re: [PATCH v2 03/22] ARM: use late patch framework for phys-virtpatching

From: Cyril Chemparathy
Date: Sun Aug 12 2012 - 13:34:29 EST

On 08/11/12 23:03, Nicolas Pitre wrote:
On Fri, 10 Aug 2012, Cyril Chemparathy wrote:

This patch replaces the original physical offset patching implementation
with one that uses the newly added patching framework. In the process, we now
unconditionally initialize the __pv_phys_offset and __pv_offset globals in the
head.S code.

This last sentence is now wrong.


-extern unsigned long __pv_phys_offset;
-#define PHYS_OFFSET __pv_phys_offset
+#define PHYS_OFFSET __virt_to_phys(PAGE_OFFSET)

What was wrong with the former PHYS_OFFSET = __pv_phys_offset ?

If you really want to have it optimized at run time, you could simply
use your new stub to patch a mov instruction instead of going through
__virt_to_phys which uses and add on top of a constant.

The intent was to optimize out the load(s) on references to PHYS_OFFSET, but is it worth it? If so, we could go with a patched mov (or two) with the necessary endian fixups. If not, we could revert to __pv_phys_offset loads as before.

s = find_mod_section(hdr, sechdrs, ".runtime.patch.table");
if (s)
runtime_patch((void *)s->sh_addr, s->sh_size);

I missed this in the previous patch, but could you fail the module
loading by returning an error if runtime_patch() fails? That would take
care of not accepting modules that might have been compiled with future
runtime patching extensions that are not yet supported in an earlier

Sure. Thanks.

You also should remove the MODULE_ARCH_VERMAGIC_P2V definitions now that
the corresponding code is no longer there.


"rt-patch" needs to be in vermagic to prevent modules built against the new code from being loaded on older kernels that used the traditional patch code.

"p2v" needs to be in there as well, because it should be possible to build without PATCH_PHYS_VIRT, but with RUNTIME_PATCH as and when there are other users for this.

-- Cyril.
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