regression 918227bb -> -rc7: does not wake up from sleep

From: Norbert Preining
Date: Mon Jul 16 2012 - 09:27:11 EST

Hi everyone,

(please cc)

I recently upgraded from git918227bb to rc7 and suddenly my laptop
does not wake up from sleep again, all dead.

I will try to bisect as soon as possible, but I am on a conference
and give two talks, so not so much time.

Is the above problem known? intel graphics card.

Best wishes

Norbert Preining preining@{,,}
JAIST, Japan TeX Live & Debian Developer
DSA: 0x09C5B094 fp: 14DF 2E6C 0307 BE6D AD76 A9C0 D2BF 4AA3 09C5 B094
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is impossible to achieve except when having a passport photograph
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