Re: [patch 0/5] x86: mce: Bugfixes, cleanups and a new CMCI pollversion

From: Chen Gong
Date: Thu Jun 07 2012 - 06:08:16 EST

ä 2012/6/7 5:53, Thomas Gleixner åé:
Sorry for the resend, I guess I need more sleep or vacation or both :(

The following series fixes a few interesting bugs (found by review in
context of the CMCI poll effort) and a cleanup to the timer/hotplug
code followed by a consolidated version of the CMCI poll
implementation. This series is based on


which contains the bugfix for the dropped timer interval init.



I tested the latest patch series based on your tip tree. The basic logic
is correct as we expected :-).

But during the CPU online/offline test I found an issue. After *STORM*
mode is entered, it can't come back from *STORM* mode to normal
interrupt mode. At least there exists such an issue: when *STORM* is
entered, in the meanwhile, one CPU is offline during this period,
which means *cmci_storm_on_cpus* can't decrease to 0 because there
is one bit stuck on this offlined CPU. So we should detect such
situation and decrease on *cmci_storm_on_cpus* at proper time.
BTW, even I online the *CPU* in above situation, the normal CMCI
still doesn't come back, strange.

I still have another question: When we handle following case:
mce_cpu_callback(struct notifier_block *
- del_timer_sync(t);
smp_call_function_single(cpu, mce_disable_cpu, &action, 1);
+ del_timer_sync(t);

Where we add this timer back? I can't find it in "case CPU_ONLINE".
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