Request feedback please: generic rbtree search, insert & remove (withleftmost, augmented, etc.)

From: Daniel Santos
Date: Wed May 09 2012 - 19:48:24 EST

I've been working on this more and have gone through several
iterations. I have a small problem: my mechanism will never inline the
key compare function call since it calls it by pointer. I'm not sure if
this is dictated in the C specification or if it's just something gcc
can't currently detect as a compile-time constant and optimize out.
Every other option specified via the struct rb_relationship is getting
nicely optimized, removing unused code, etc.

Here is the current feature set (all optimized out when not used):
* leftmost - keep a pointer to the leftmost (lowest value) node cached
in your container struct (thanks Peter)
* rightmost - ditto for rightmost (greatest value)
* unique or non-unique keys with some minor tuning options
* relative searches - when you already have a node that is likely near
another one you want to search for
* augmented / interval tree support (not yet tested)

So back to the problem, as I see it here are my options:
1. Create a header file where you #define your parameters and include it
to define your search, insert & remove functions. Example:

#define RBTREE_CONTAINER_TYPE struct my_container
#define RBTREE_CONTAINER_ROOT rb_root /* struct rb_root member */
#define RBTREE_CONTAINER_LEFTMOST leftmost /* struct rb_node *member */
#define RBTREE_OBJECT_TYPE struct my_obj
#define RBTREE_OBJECT_NODE rb_node /* struct rb_node member */
#define RBTREE_OBJECT_KEY mykey
#define RBTREE_KEY_COMPARE compare_my_key
#define etc...
#include <linux/grbtree.h> /* expands parameters where needed and then
#undefs them. */

2. Use a big ugly macro to define them. Example:
RB_DEFINE_CORE(struct my_container, rb_root, etc...) /* expands to all
function implementations */

3. Accept the compare function call overhead for search & insert
functions and keep them normal (i.e., __always_inline, non-preprocessor)
generic functions.

Here are the benefits of each, as I see it:
Debugging information will still point you to a real line of code
1. Yes, 2. No, 3. Yes

Type safety implemented (you pass pointers to your container & object
structs directly rather than node pointers)
1. Yes, 2. Yes, 3. No

Maximum efficiency (no function calls to inline-ables like compare and
1. Yes, 2. Yes, 3. No

Relies primarily upon:
1. cpp, 2. cpp, 3. cc

To me, the first option seems like it makes the most sense, although I
despise heavy use of the preprocessor (it would be sweet if ANSI came
out with a C templates standard). Attached is my current working
version which implements approach 3 as described above. It has a
GRB_DEFINE_INTERFACE() macro, but it only defines a type a type-safe
interface and doesn't fix the compare function not inlined problem.
(Much of comment docs are out of date too.)

Thanks in advance.


diff --git a/include/linux/grbtree.h b/include/linux/grbtree.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06f40cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/linux/grbtree.h
@@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
+ * Generic Red Black Tree Extensions
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Daniel Santos <daniel.santos@xxxxxxxxx>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+ * USA.
+ */
+ * DOC: Generic Red Black Tree Extensions
+ *
+ * Generic Red Black Tree Extensions extends upon Andrea Arcangeli's original
+ * rbtree implementation adding the ability to generically define
+ * relationships between containers and their contents (see struct
+ * grb_relationship) and feeding that definition to generic function
+ * implementations. By using a compile-time constant instance of struct
+ * grb_relationship and a single instantiation of the static inline find &
+ * insert functions, gcc will generate code that is exactly as efficient as if
+ * you had implemented your own find & insert functions (as explained in the
+ * rbtree documentation) without the source bloat and added complexity.
+ * Further, by wrapping calls to the generic (__always_inline) functions in
+ * singular (non-inline) functions, type-safety can be achieved while
+ * preventing the bloat of inline expansion.
+ *
+ * The struct grb_relationship object should be thought of as a database's DDL
+ * (Data Definition Language) that defines the relationship between two
+ * tables: primary & foreign keys, unique constraints, sort ordering, tuning
+ * hints, etc. (although in practice, some of those are specified when making
+ * SQL queries). It also specifies extended features you're using, like
+ * rather or not your container caches a pointer to the leftmost node in the
+ * tree -- enabling them in the generic function implementations or ensuring
+ * that they are compiled-out if you are not.
+ *
+ * It is important to understand that while grbtree extends upon rbtree's
+ * functionality, it uses a different interface paradigm: where rbtree's
+ * interface deals with the types struct rb_root and rb_node, grbtree is
+ * concerned with your containers and their objects and is designed to
+ * relegate the overhead for such genericity to the compiler. So rather than
+ * passing a pointer to the struct rb_node or rb_root member of your
+ * container or object, you will simply pass a pointer to your container or
+ * object its self, likewise for return values.
+ *
+ * Because C does not (yet) support templates, this all means that the generic
+ * function accept and return void *pointers, killing type safety. To
+ * restore type safety, its reccomeded you either wrap all calls to generic
+ * functions in your own type-specific function (inline or not) or use the
+ * unholy (but sufficient) GRB_DEFINE_INTERFACE() macro to have this done for
+ * you.
+ *
+ * Egg Sample:
+ *
+ * struct house {
+ * struct rb_root mice;
+ * };
+ *
+ * struct mouse {
+ * struct rb_node node;
+ * const char* name;
+ * };
+ *
+ * static __always_inline long name_cmp(const char **a, const char **b) {
+ * return strcmp(*a, *b);
+ * }
+ *
+ * static const struct grb_relationship rel_house_to_mouse =
+ * GRB_RELATIONHIP(struct house, mice, / * noleft * /, / * noright * /,
+ * struct mouse, node, name, name_cmp,
+ * 1, 0, 1, 0);
+ *
+ * struct mouse *find_mouse(struct house *house, const char *name) {
+ * return rb_find(house, name, &rel_house_to_mouse);
+ * }
+ *
+ * struct mouse *put_mouse_in_house(struct house *house, struct mouse *mouse) {
+ * return rb_insert(house, mouse, &rel_house_to_mouse);
+ * }
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/rbtree.h>
+typedef long (*rb_compare_f)(const void *a, const void *b);
+/* will submit this for include/linux/bug.h after I verify working gcc
+ * versions better and fully document caveats
+ */
+ * BUILD_BUG_ON_NON_CONST_STRUCT - break compile if a struct member is not a
+ * compile-time constant
+ * @exp: struct member to test for compile-time constness
+ *
+ * If you have some code that depends upon struct instance being a compile-
+ * time constant (or more specifically one or more of its members), then you
+ * can use this macro to trigger a BUILD_BUG if it is not. Note that one
+ * member of a struct instrance can be determined a compile-time constant by
+ * gcc and not another.
+ *
+ * Caveats: TODO
+ */
+#if defined(__OPTIMIZE__) && (__GNUC__ > 4 || __GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1)
+ BUILD_BUG_ON(!__builtin_constant_p(exp))
+#define __JUNK junk,
+#define _iff_empty(test_or_junk, t, f) __iff_empty(test_or_junk, t, f)
+#define __iff_empty(__ignored1, __ignored2, result, ...) result
+ * IFF_EMPTY() - Expands to the second argument when the first is empty, the
+ * third if non-empty.
+ * test: An argument to test for emptiness.
+ * on_true: A value to expand to if test is empty.
+ * on_false: A value to expand to if test is non-empty.
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ * IFF_EMPTY(a, b, c) = c
+ * IFF_EMPTY( , b, c) = b
+ * IFF_EMPTY( , , c) = (nothing)
+ */
+#define IFF_EMPTY(test, t, f) _iff_empty(__JUNK##test, t, f)
+ * IS_EMPTY() - test if a pre-processor argument is empty.
+ * arg: An argument (empty or non-empty)
+ *
+ * If empty, expands to 1, 0 otherwise.
+ */
+#define IS_EMPTY(arg) IFF_EMPTY(arg, 1, 0)
+ * OPT_OFFSETOF() - return the offsetof for the supplied expression, or zero
+ * if m is an empty argument.
+ * type: struct/union type
+ * m: (optional) struct member name
+ *
+ * Since any offsetof can return zero if the specified member is the first in
+ * the struct/union, you should also check if the argument is empty separately
+ * with IS_EMPTY(m).
+ */
+#define OPT_OFFSETOF(type, m) ((size_t) &((*((type *)0)) IFF_EMPTY(m,,.m)))
+ * struct grb_relationship - Defines relationship between a container and
+ * the objects it contains.
+ * @root_offset: Offset of container's struct rb_root member.
+ * @has_left: Non-zero if the container has a leftmost member, zero
+ * otherwise.
+ * @has_right: Non-zero if the container has a rightmost member, zero
+ * otherwise.
+ * @left_offset: (Used only if has_left.) Offset of the container's
+ * struct rb_node *leftmost member for storing a pointer
+ * to the leftmost node in the tree, which is kept
+ * updated as inserts and deletions are made.
+ * @right_offset: Same as left_offset, except for right side of tree.
+ * @node_offset: Offset of object's struct rb_node member.
+ * @key_offset: Offset of object's key member.
+ * @compare: Compare function for object keys -- should be an
+ * inline function in the same translation unit for
+ * proper optimization, although this is the only field
+ * that isn't required to be a compile-time constant.
+ * The compare function should accept pointers to the key
+ * type and return long.
+ * @unique: Zero if duplicate keys are allowed, non-zero otherwise.
+ * @tune_many_dupes: (Used only if !unique.) Tune searches & inserts when
+ * not using unique keys and many duplilcates are likely.
+ * @ins_replace: (Used only if unique.) Rather or not the __grb_insert
+ * function should replace existing objects.
+ * @is_augmented: Rather or this is an augmented rbtree (and the
+ * augmented is non-null)
+ * @augmented: Not yet implemented (pointer to rb_augmented_f function)
+ *
+ * Instances of struct grb_relationship should be compile-time constants (or
+ * rather, the value of its members).
+ *
+ * Note: If your container stores the leftmost or rightmost, you must use the
+ * generic __rb_remove to keep them current.
+ */
+struct grb_relationship {
+ long root_offset;
+ int has_left;
+ int has_right;
+ long left_offset;
+ long right_offset;
+ long node_offset;
+ long key_offset;
+ rb_compare_f compare;
+ int unique;
+ int tune_many_dupes;
+ int ins_replace;
+ int is_augmented;
+ rb_augment_f augmented;
+static __always_inline
+struct rb_root *__grb_to_root(const void *ptr, const struct grb_relationship *rel)
+ BUILD_BUG_ON_NON_CONST_STRUCT(rel->root_offset);
+ return (struct rb_root *)((char *)ptr + rel->root_offset);
+static __always_inline
+struct rb_node **__grb_to_left(void *ptr, const struct grb_relationship *rel)
+ BUILD_BUG_ON(!rel->has_left);
+ BUILD_BUG_ON_NON_CONST_STRUCT(rel->left_offset);
+ return (struct rb_node **)((char *)ptr + rel->left_offset);
+static __always_inline
+struct rb_node **__grb_to_right(void *ptr, const struct grb_relationship *rel)
+ BUILD_BUG_ON(!rel->has_right);
+ BUILD_BUG_ON_NON_CONST_STRUCT(rel->right_offset);
+ return (struct rb_node **)((char *)ptr + rel->right_offset);
+static __always_inline
+struct rb_node *__grb_to_node(const void *ptr, const struct grb_relationship *rel)
+ BUILD_BUG_ON_NON_CONST_STRUCT(rel->node_offset);
+ return (struct rb_node *)((char *)ptr + rel->node_offset);
+static __always_inline
+const void *__grb_to_key(const void *ptr, const struct grb_relationship *rel)
+ BUILD_BUG_ON_NON_CONST_STRUCT(rel->key_offset);
+ return (const void *)((const char *)ptr + rel->key_offset);
+static __always_inline
+const void *__grb_node_to_key(const void *ptr, const struct grb_relationship *rel)
+ BUILD_BUG_ON_NON_CONST_STRUCT(rel->node_offset);
+ BUILD_BUG_ON_NON_CONST_STRUCT(rel->key_offset);
+ return (const void *)((const char *)ptr - rel->node_offset + rel->key_offset);
+static __always_inline
+char *__grb_node_to_obj(const void *ptr, const struct grb_relationship *rel)
+ BUILD_BUG_ON_NON_CONST_STRUCT(rel->node_offset);
+ return ((char *)ptr - rel->node_offset);
+ * grb_find_down_from - search a tree (normally) starting from the specified node
+ */
+static __always_inline
+void *grb_find_down_from(const struct rb_node *node,
+ const void *key,
+ const struct grb_relationship *rel)
+ while (node) {
+ int diff = rel->compare(__grb_node_to_key(node, rel), key);
+ if (diff > 0)
+ node = node->rb_right;
+ else if (diff < 0)
+ node = node->rb_left;
+ else
+ return __grb_node_to_obj(node, rel);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * grb_find_up_from - search a tree climbing upwards, starting at the 'from'
+ * object and then descending (if needed) to find a
+ * matching object or no match.
+ */
+static __always_inline
+void *grb_find_up_from(const void *from,
+ const void *key,
+ const struct grb_relationship *rel)
+ const struct rb_node *node = __grb_to_node(from, rel);
+ long diff = rel->compare(__grb_node_to_key(node, rel), key);
+ int go_left = diff < 0;
+ if (!diff)
+ return (void *)from;
+ while ((node = rb_parent(node))) {
+ diff = rel->compare(__grb_node_to_key(node, rel), key);
+ if (!diff)
+ return __grb_node_to_obj(node, rel);
+ else if (go_left ? diff > 0 : diff < 0)
+ return grb_find_down_from(node, key, rel);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * grb_find() - Searches a red black tree.
+ * @container: Container to search.
+ * @key: Pointer to the key you want to find.
+ * @rel: Pointer to the compile-time constant relationship definition.
+ *
+ * On success, returns a pointer to the object (not the struct rb_node), NULL
+ * otherwise. If rel is not a compile-time constant, a link-time error will
+ * be generated.
+ *
+ * If your code calls this function from more than one place, it is highly
+ * recommended that you wrap this function in a non-inline function to avoid
+ * object code bloat. You have been advised! Even if you are calling it from
+ * one place, wrapping it in a type-specific function (inline or otherwise)
+ * improves type-safety.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+static __always_inline
+void *grb_find(const void *container,
+ const void *key,
+ const struct grb_relationship *rel)
+ return grb_find_down_from(__grb_to_root(container, rel)->rb_node, key,
+ rel);
+ * grb_insert() - Inserts an object into a container.
+ * @container: Pointer to the container.
+ * @obj: Pointer to the new object to insert.
+ * @rel: Pointer to the compile-time constant relationship definition.
+ *
+ * If an object with the same key already exists and rel->ins_replace is non-zero,
+ * then it is replaced with obj; if rel->ins_replace is zero, then no change is made.
+ * In either case, a pointer to the existing object is returned. Note that
+ * return values are pointers to the objects themselves, not to the struct
+ * rb_node.
+ *
+ * If no object with the same key exists, then obj is inserted and NULL is
+ * returned.
+ *
+ * See rb_find for example.
+ */
+static __always_inline
+void *grb_insert(void *container,
+ void *obj,
+ const struct grb_relationship *rel)
+ struct rb_root *root = __grb_to_root(container, rel);
+ struct rb_node **p = &root->rb_node;
+ struct rb_node *parent = NULL;
+ struct rb_node *node = __grb_to_node(obj, rel);
+ void *ret = NULL;
+ const void *key = __grb_to_key(obj, rel);
+ int rightmost = 1;
+ int leftmost = 1;
+ BUILD_BUG_ON_NON_CONST_STRUCT(rel->has_right);
+ BUILD_BUG_ON_NON_CONST_STRUCT(rel->tune_many_dupes);
+ BUILD_BUG_ON_NON_CONST_STRUCT(rel->ins_replace);
+ BUILD_BUG_ON_NON_CONST_STRUCT(rel->is_augmented);
+ while (*p) {
+ int diff = rel->compare(__grb_node_to_key(*p, rel), key);
+ parent = *p;
+ if (diff > 0) {
+ p = &(*p)->rb_right;
+ if (rel->has_left)
+ leftmost = 0;
+ /* if keys are not unique, we can skip additional tests,
+ * although it will be slower if there are often duplicate
+ * keys, so rel->tune_many_dupes will dictate how we
+ * behave.
+ */
+ } else if ((!rel->unique && !rel->tune_many_dupes) || diff < 0) {
+ p = &(*p)->rb_left;
+ if (rel->has_right)
+ rightmost = 0;
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
+ if (rel->has_left && leftmost)
+ *__grb_to_left(container, rel) = node;
+ if (rel->has_right && rightmost)
+ *__grb_to_right(container, rel) = node;
+ if (rel->unique && *p) {
+ ret = __grb_node_to_obj(*p, rel);
+ if (rel->ins_replace)
+ rb_replace_node(*p, node, root);
+ } else {
+ rb_link_node(node, parent, p);
+ rb_insert_color(node, root);
+ }
+ if (rel->is_augmented)
+ rb_augment_insert(node, rel->augmented, NULL);
+ return ret;
+static __always_inline
+void grb_remove(void *container,
+ void *obj,
+ const struct grb_relationship *rel)
+ struct rb_root *root = __grb_to_root(container, rel);
+ struct rb_node *node = __grb_to_node(obj, rel);
+ struct rb_node *deepest;
+ BUILD_BUG_ON_NON_CONST_STRUCT(rel->has_right);
+ BUILD_BUG_ON_NON_CONST_STRUCT(rel->is_augmented);
+ if (rel->is_augmented)
+ deepest = rb_augment_erase_begin(node);
+ if (rel->has_left) {
+ struct rb_node **left = __grb_to_left(container, rel);
+ if (*left == node)
+ *left = rb_next(node);
+ }
+ if (rel->has_right) {
+ struct rb_node **right = __grb_to_right(container, rel);
+ if (*right == node)
+ *right = rb_prev(node);
+ }
+ rb_erase(node, root);
+ if (rel->is_augmented)
+ rb_augment_erase_end(deepest, rel->augmented, NULL);
+ * GRB_RELATIONHIP - Define the relationship bewteen a container with a
+ * struct rb_root member, and the objects it contains.
+ * cont_type: .
+ * root: .
+ * left: .
+ * right: .
+ * obj_type: .
+ * node: .
+ * key: .
+ * compare: .
+ * unique: .
+ * tune_many_dupes: .
+ * ins_replace: .
+ * augmented: .
+ */
+ cont_type, root, left, right, \
+ obj_type, node, key, _compare, \
+ _unique, _tune_many_dupes, _ins_replace, _augmented) { \
+ .root_offset = offsetof(cont_type, root), \
+ .has_left = !IS_EMPTY(left), \
+ .has_right = !IS_EMPTY(right), \
+ .left_offset = OPT_OFFSETOF(cont_type, left), \
+ .right_offset = OPT_OFFSETOF(cont_type, right), \
+ .node_offset = offsetof(obj_type, node), \
+ .key_offset = offsetof(obj_type, key), \
+ .compare = (rb_compare_f)_compare, \
+ .unique = _unique, \
+ .tune_many_dupes = _tune_many_dupes, \
+ .ins_replace = _ins_replace, \
+ .is_augmented = !IS_EMPTY(left), \
+ .augmented = IFF_EMPTY(_augmented, 0, _augmented), \
+ rel_var, insert_func, find_func, remove_func, \
+ cont_type, root, left, right, \
+ obj_type, node, key, compare, \
+ unique, tune_many_dupes, ins_replace, augmented, \
+ insert_func_mod, find_func_mod) \
+static const struct grb_relationship rel_var = GRB_RELATIONHIP( \
+ cont_type, root, left, right, \
+ obj_type, node, key, compare, \
+ unique, tune_many_dupes, ins_replace, augmented); \
+ \
+insert_func_mod \
+obj_type *insert_func(cont_type *container, obj_type *obj) { \
+ return (obj_type *)grb_insert(container, obj, &rel_var); \
+} \
+ \
+find_func_mod \
+obj_type *find_func(const cont_type *container, \
+ const typeof(((obj_type *)0)->key) *key) { \
+ return (obj_type *)grb_find(container, key, &rel_var); \
+} \
+ \
+static __always_inline \
+void remove_func(cont_type *container, obj_type *obj) { \
+ grb_remove(container, obj, &rel_var); \
+} \
+/** GRB_DEFINE_INTERFACE - Defines a struct grb_relationship object and
+ * type-safe inteface functions.
+ * prefix: .
+ * cont_type: .
+ * root: .
+ * left: .
+ * right: .
+ * obj_type: .
+ * node: .
+ * key: .
+ * compare: .
+ * unique: .
+ * tune_many_dupes: .
+ * ins_replace: .
+ * augmented: .
+ * insert_func_mod: .
+ * find_func_mod: .
+ */
+#define GRB_DEFINE_INTERFACE(prefix, ...)\
+ prefix ## rel, \
+ prefix ## insert, \
+ prefix ## find, \
+ prefix ## remove, \
+ __VA_ARGS__)
+/** GRB_DEFINE_INTERFACE_OBJ - A cute way to contain the type-safe interface
+ * in a single object, but killing inline-ability.
+ * interface_name: name of your interface object
+ * cont_type: .
+ * root: .
+ * left: .
+ * right: .
+ * obj_type: .
+ * node: .
+ * key: .
+ * compare: .
+ * unique: .
+ * tune_many_dupes: .
+ * ins_replace: .
+ * augmented: .
+ */
+ interface_name, \
+ cont_type, root, left, right, \
+ obj_type, node, key, compare, \
+ unique, tune_many_dupes, ins_replace, augmented) \
+static const struct { \
+ struct grb_relationship rel; \
+ obj_type *(*insert)(cont_type *c, obj_type *o, \
+ const struct grb_relationship *rel); \
+ obj_type *(*find)(const cont_type *c, \
+ const typeof(((obj_type *)0)->key) *key, \
+ const struct grb_relationship *rel); \
+ void (*remove)(cont_type *c, obj_type *o, \
+ const struct grb_relationship *rel); \
+} interface_name = { \
+ cont_type, root, left, right, \
+ obj_type, node, key, compare, \
+ unique, tune_many_dupes, ins_replace, augmented), \
+ \
+.insert = (obj_type *(*)(cont_type *, \
+ obj_type *, \
+ const struct grb_relationship *))grb_insert, \
+.find = (obj_type *(*)(const cont_type *, \
+ const typeof(((obj_type *)0)->key) *, \
+ const struct grb_relationship *))grb_find, \
+.remove = (void (*)(cont_type *, obj_type *, \
+ const struct grb_relationship *))grb_remove, \
+#endif /* _LINUX_GRBTREE_H */