Re: [GIT PULL 0/4] perf/annotate loop detection V2, fixes

From: Ingo Molnar
Date: Fri Apr 27 2012 - 04:07:01 EST

* Ingo Molnar <mingo@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> [...]
> This would require for us to draw all loops that are
> interesting: probably all backwards jumping ones, with some
> nesting limit of 5 or so. I think we really need this loop
> graph for this UI to have low visual overhead :-/
> Beyond improving visual stability of the output, this would
> also obviously be (much) more informative as for reasonably
> sized functions it would show all the current loop contexts -
> which is very useful when one tries to make sense of a
> function in assembly.

My (silent) hope would be that if we make assembly output more
obvious, more structured visually then more people will read
assembly code.

Note that once we have loop nesting there are countless other
possibilities as well to augment the output.

( Note that I pile on a couple of visual suggestions below - so
the output becomes more and more complex - ideally we want to
pick the ones from below that we like and skip the ones that
are not so good. )

1) Loop grouping

We could slightly group the assembly instructions themselves
as well:

0.00 â â jmp cc
0.00 â nopl 0x0(%rax)
0.00 ââââ c0: cmp %rax,%rbx
0.00 ââ mov %rax,%rcx
0.00 ââ â je 5dd
0.00 ââ cc: test %rcx,%rcx
0.00 ââ â je da
0.00 ââ mov 0x8(%rcx),%esi
0.00 ââ shr $0x4,%esi
0.00 ââ sub $0x2,%esi
0.00 ââ da: mov %rcx,0x10(%rbx)
0.00 ââ mov %rcx,%rax
0.00 ââ cmpl $0x0,%fs:0x18
0.00 ââ â je ed
0.00 ââ lock cmpxchg %rbx,(%rdx)
0.00 ââ cmp %rax,%rcx
0.00 âââââââââ jne c0
0.00 â test %rcx,%rcx
0.00 â â je 104
0.00 â cmp %r12d,%esi
0.00 â â jne 719

See that by using a newline how much clearer the loop stands
out, visually?

2) Nesting

The classic C method to show nesting is to use curly braces and
slight indentation:

0.00 â â jmp cc
0.00 â nopl 0x0(%rax)
â {
0.00 ââââ c0: cmp %rax,%rbx
0.00 ââ mov %rax,%rcx
0.00 ââ â je 5dd
0.00 ââ cc: test %rcx,%rcx
0.00 ââ â je da
0.00 ââ mov 0x8(%rcx),%esi
0.00 ââ shr $0x4,%esi
0.00 ââ sub $0x2,%esi
0.00 ââ da: mov %rcx,0x10(%rbx)
0.00 ââ mov %rcx,%rax
0.00 ââ cmpl $0x0,%fs:0x18
0.00 ââ â je ed
0.00 ââ lock cmpxchg %rbx,(%rdx)
0.00 ââ cmp %rax,%rcx
0.00 âââââââââ } jne c0
0.00 â test %rcx,%rcx
0.00 â â je 104
0.00 â cmp %r12d,%esi
0.00 â â jne 719

3) Separating out forward conditional jumps

0.00 â â jmp cc
0.00 â nopl 0x0(%rax)
â {
0.00 ââââ c0: cmp %rax,%rbx
0.00 ââ mov %rax,%rcx
0.00 ââ â .je 5dd
0.00 ââ cc: test %rcx,%rcx
0.00 ââ â .je da
0.00 ââ mov 0x8(%rcx),%esi
0.00 ââ shr $0x4,%esi
0.00 ââ sub $0x2,%esi
0.00 ââ da: mov %rcx,0x10(%rbx)
0.00 ââ mov %rcx,%rax
0.00 ââ cmpl $0x0,%fs:0x18
0.00 ââ â .je ed
0.00 ââ lock cmpxchg %rbx,(%rdx)
0.00 ââ cmp %rax,%rcx
0.00 âââââââââ } jne c0
0.00 â test %rcx,%rcx
0.00 â â .je 104
0.00 â cmp %r12d,%esi
0.00 â â .jne 719

So the forward conditional jumps get moved by one character to
the right and get prefixed with '.', which has the following

- the flow of all the 'other', register modifying and loop
instructions can be seen more clearly

- the 'exception' forward conditional jumps get moved into the
visual background, slightly.

- blocks of instructions with no branches amongst them are more
clearly visible.

If '.' is too aggressive or too confusing then some other
(possibly graphical) character could be used as well?

4) Marking labels

I'd argue we bring in <ab> as label markers:

0.00 â â jmp <cc>
0.00 â nopl 0x0(%rax)
â {
0.00 ââââ c0: cmp %rax,%rbx
0.00 ââ mov %rax,%rcx
0.00 ââ â .je <5dd>
0.00 ââ cc: test %rcx,%rcx
0.00 ââ â .je <da>
0.00 ââ mov 0x8(%rcx),%esi
0.00 ââ shr $0x4,%esi
0.00 ââ sub $0x2,%esi
0.00 ââ da: mov %rcx,0x10(%rbx)
0.00 ââ mov %rcx,%rax
0.00 ââ cmpl $0x0,%fs:0x18
0.00 ââ â .je <ed>
0.00 ââ lock cmpxchg %rbx,(%rdx)
0.00 ââ cmp %rax,%rcx
0.00 âââââââââ } jne <c0>
0.00 â test %rcx,%rcx
0.00 â â .je <104>
0.00 â cmp %r12d,%esi
0.00 â â .jne <719>

Note how much easier it becomes to read the body of the loop:
the <> labels are clearly separated from constants/offsets
within the other assembly instructions. In the current output
the two easily 'mix', which is bad.


Another trick we could use to separate labels from constants
more clearly is capitalization:

0.00 â â jmp <CC>
0.00 â nopl 0x0(%rax)
â {
0.00 ââââ C0: cmp %rax,%rbx
0.00 ââ mov %rax,%rcx
0.00 ââ â .je <5DD>
0.00 ââ CC: test %rcx,%rcx
0.00 ââ â .je <DA>
0.00 ââ mov 0x8(%rcx),%esi
0.00 ââ shr $0x4,%esi
0.00 ââ sub $0x2,%esi
0.00 ââ DA: mov %rcx,0x10(%rbx)
0.00 ââ mov %rcx,%rax
0.00 ââ cmpl $0x0,%fs:0x18
0.00 ââ â .je <ED>
0.00 ââ lock cmpxchg %rbx,(%rdx)
0.00 ââ cmp %rax,%rcx
0.00 âââââââââ } jne <C0>
0.00 â test %rcx,%rcx
0.00 â â .je <104>
0.00 â cmp %r12d,%esi
0.00 â â .jne <719>

I'm not entirely convinced we want this one.

6) Making callq's to function symbols more C-alike


0.00 ââ 70: mov %rbx,%rdi
0.00 ââ callq _IO_switch_to_main_get_area
0.00 ââ mov 0x8(%rbx),%rdx
0.00 ââ mov 0x10(%rbx),%rsi
0.00 ââ cmp %rsi,%rdx


0.00 ââ 70: mov %rbx,%rdi
0.00 ââ callq _IO_switch_to_main_get_area()
0.00 ââ mov 0x8(%rbx),%rdx
0.00 ââ mov 0x10(%rbx),%rsi
0.00 ââ cmp %rsi,%rdx

The () makes it easier to separate the 'function' purpose of the

This would be especially useful once we start looking into
debuginfo data and start symbolising stack frame offsets and
data references:


0.00 â 1b3: mov -0x38(%rbp),%rdx
0.00 â mov -0x34(%rbp),%rcx
0.00 â mov 0x335fb4(%rip),%eax # 392a5b0b60 <perturb_byte>


# PARAM:idx : 0x38
# PARAM:addr : 0x34
# DATA:perturb_byte : 0x392a5b0b60


0.00 â 1b3: mov P:idx....(%rbp),%rdx
0.00 â mov P:addr...(%rbp),%rcx
0.00 â mov D:pertu..(%rip),%eax

Where 'P:' stands for parameter, 'D:' for data, and the symbol
names are length-culled to a fixed width 6 chars, to make the
registers align better and to not interfere with other textual
output. There's a summary at the top, to still have all the raw
binary data available - but 'o' can be pressed as well to see
the raw values.

This way it still looks like assembly - but is *much* more

Or so.


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