Re: [RFC] [PATCH 1/2] binary stream format for /proc/stat

From: Hiroyuki Kamezawa
Date: Sat Mar 31 2012 - 17:23:34 EST

2012年3月31日23:42 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> On Tuesday 2012-03-27 10:53, KAMEZAWA Hiroyuki wrote:
>>Provides another format of /proc/stat for showing data in binary and
>>compress sequence of Zeros to some extent.
>>Any other idea of formats ?
> Rather than adding more obscure formats and fields to /proc(/N)/stat, we
> should pursue descriptive lines like in /proc/N/status.
> Or, if so desired, sysfs-style splitted attributes where the filename
> takes on the description.

Yes, I like format like /proc/N/status , /proc/meminfo...which is
readable to me.
But when I wrote this patch, I didn't want to break current format.

My concern on sysfs-style one data per a file is that it will add many
open/close and making top/ps/sar slow.

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