Re: [patch] Move CRC computation to separate function

From: Artem Bityutskiy
Date: Fri Mar 23 2012 - 12:49:04 EST

On Fri, 2012-03-23 at 17:45 +0100, Joel Reardon wrote:
> When GCing a data node, it may be reencrypted as a means of organizing the
> KSA and reducing the number of LEBs that need to be erased. A Long term
> keys in one half for stable data, short term in the other. During this
> reencryption the CRC is recomputed. Also, after truncating it the last
> chunk needs to be reencrypted too, or else the key can be used with the
> old version to find the truncated part.

I guess this means there will be more users for this function.

> For the misc.h approach, it does not currently include ubifs-media.h, but
> that is where UBIFS_CRC32_INIT is defined, so move it also to misc.h

Just include it from misc.h.

Best Regards,
Artem Bityutskiy

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