Kernel Panic with Rawtherapee

From: Adalbert Dawid
Date: Tue Mar 13 2012 - 18:57:46 EST


in the last few weeks I've been having several crashes when processing
raw photo files with rawtherapee. AFAICT this always happend under
(high) cpu load (e.g. when exporting a file to jpg), however I am not
able to narrow it down a certain operation.

I am running debian testing on a Core 2 Duo E8400 (not overclocked or
anything) with 8GB of ram on an Asus board.

$ uname -a
Linux erde 3.2.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Fri Feb 17 05:17:36 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Is anyone able to tell from the stack trace ("screenshot" attached) what
might be going on?

(Please CC me, as I am not subscribed to the list.)

Thank you

Attachment: kernel-panic.jpg
Description: JPEG image