Smatch v1.56 released

From: Dan Carpenter
Date: Sun Mar 04 2012 - 13:02:49 EST

It's been almost two years since the last Smatch release so probably
it's time for another one.

Smatch is a static analysis tool for C which has a lot of kernel
specific checks.

To run Smatch over the entire kernel use:

To run Smatch over just one .c file, start at the base of the kernel
tree and use:
smatch_scripts/kchecker path/to/file.c

The main new thing, is the new cross function database work. You
build a database on the first run and then use the information on
the second run. The script for to build the database is:

Smatch still produces a lot of false positives. Also as bugs get
fixed in the kernel, the false positive to real bug ratio gets
worse and worse. But it does find real bugs as well.

There is a mailing list smatch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

dan carpenter

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