Re: i915 wakes from suspend to RAM with blank screen after commit cd9dde44f47501394b9f0715b6a36a92aa74c0d0

From: Keith Packard
Date: Sat Jan 21 2012 - 15:53:17 EST

On Sat, 21 Jan 2012 19:44:53 +0100, Lubos Kolouch <lubos.kolouch@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> dmesg after boot -
> dmesg after failed resume -

Ok, that's weird -- we're choosing a different display port link speed
on resume than at boot time. I have a theory that intel_dp_mode_fixup is
accidentally using the current bpp value when computing the values
needed for the new mode, and that this value may differ between boot and

Here's a patch to dump some debug info out to test this theory.

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