Re: iwl4965: "MAC is in deep sleep!" freezes

From: Christoph Anton Mitterer
Date: Mon Jan 16 2012 - 17:08:39 EST

On Thu, 2012-01-05 at 11:14 +0100, Stanislaw Gruszka wrote:
> Hmm, perhaps iwl4965 device does not work well with the new PCIe chipset.
> Does any of fallowing workaround the problem?
> kernel boot parameter:
> pcie_aspm=off
> pci_aspm=force
> pci=nocrs
> pci=use_crs
> iwlegacy module parameter:
> bt_coex_active=0
> iwl4965 module parameters
> 11n_disable=1

None of these helped,.. it seems however that even with pci_aspm=force
ACPI _OSC control for PCIe not granted, disabling ASPM

> There should be 3 or 2 antennas: 1 - white, 3 - grey, 2 - black,
> connection on adapter should match cable color (ok, I don't know if
> it does any difference, but it worth to try). If there is only one
> antenna available, perhaps there is somewhere another miniPCIe slot
> where are more antenna cables available. But, if there is really
> only one antenna cable, it should be connected to number 1 (white)
> adapter connector.
Well what I thought to be the wifi controller till now, has only on
cable (white).... with only one connector.

I tried to disassemble the whole thing but must shamefully admit that I
wasn't able to... at some place it's kept somehow together (als screws
are loosened) and I couldn't find out so far how.


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