question about epoll

From: Robin Dong
Date: Thu Nov 10 2011 - 03:35:21 EST

I am a linux user and I found some question when using epoll with EPOLLET.

My program's step:
1. create a socket (sfd) and connect to server2. create epoll (efd)3.
add socket descriptor (sfd) to epoll (efd) with flag EPOLLET4. get a
EPOLLOUT event through epoll_wait
after that, the program will nerver get a EPOLLOUT event because it
use EPOLLET mode (the same event will not be got twice)
BUT,when a message comes from server,the client socket will get a
event and this event contains EPOLLOUT and EPOLLIN, looks epoll_wait
return too much events than it should
My question is: Is this a designed mechanism or a bug for epoll ?
Any reply will be appreciate.

Best Regard
Robin Dong
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