Re: Linux 3.2-rc1

From: ããããããã
Date: Wed Nov 09 2011 - 09:38:17 EST


On Mon, 7 Nov 2011 18:10:02 -0800
Linus Torvalds <torvalds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Which brings me to a question I already asked on G+ - do people really
> need the old-fashioned patches? The -rc1 patch is about 22MB gzip-9'd,
> and part of the reason is that all those renames cause big
> delete/create diffs. We *could* use git rename patches, but then you'd
> have to apply them with "git apply" rather than the legacy "patch"
> executables. But as it is, the patch is almost a third of the size of
> the tar-ball, which makes me wonder if there's even any point to such
> a big patch?

Is that what made the various tarballs for 3.2-rc1 land
in /pub/linux/kernel/v3.x and not in testing/ ? ;)

I spent quite a lot of time wondering where they could be in testing/ until
I accidently found them...

Anyway, to answer the initial question: no, I don't use the patch-blah
files, only full tarballs.


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