Re: I/O scheduler on its knees, pvmove hangs other tasks

From: martin f krafft
Date: Sat Oct 01 2011 - 05:39:38 EST

also sprach martin f krafft <madduck@xxxxxxxxxxx> [2011.10.01.1128 +0200]:
> The problem is that the kernel seems not to care. The pvmove process
> happily chugs along at what seems to be maximum speed. At the same
> time, other processes, like /bin/ls simply block and remain in 'D'
> state *forever*. Even after the pvmove process exits, these
> processes do not recover.

Okay, I lied. In a test I just ran, the test process (ls) recovered
after about 10 minutes. It seems that this time increases
exponentially with the number of hung processes though.

martin | |

"you don't sew with a fork, so I see no reason
to eat with knitting needles."
-- miss piggy, on eating chinese food

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