Re: [ users] [KORG] Taking hera down to deal with the loadissues

From: J.H.
Date: Wed Aug 17 2011 - 04:06:08 EST

Hash: SHA1

Sorry about the delay, the upgrade took longer than expected and the
initial kernel didn't actually solve the load issue completely. I've
since installed a very slightly modified build of the initial kernel and
had to reboot hera twice more (both to the same kernel, but I again ran
`lsof -p <pid>` and had Linux panic on me. A feature that has very
consistently bitten me on a number of kernels and a number of systems

This second kernel is at least, so far, acting a lot closer to what I'd
expect from hera, but the disk cache is still filling. I'm going to
keep an eye on it for a bit longer tonight. As a note, the only
difference between the first 3.1-rc1 kernel and the second, that is
currently running, was the explicit disabling of IMA and recompiling the

I'm going to give the all clear at this point, I won't be doing any more
reboots without an additional e-mail and notice. If you see any
problems or issue, or you catch that the loads are spiking up into the
stratosphere, please let me know.

- - John 'Warthog9' Hawley

On 08/16/2011 04:27 PM, J.H. wrote:
> Hey Everyone,
> Ok so since I'm back from vacation, and things don't seem to be getting
> better, I'm going to take hera/master offline in about 30 minutes or so
> (5pm PDT or Tue Aug 17 0:0:0 UTC 2011). This is going to involve a base
> OS upgrade, and a full on new kernel.
> This should get the loads back into what we are expecting, and give me a
> chance to more thoroughly investigate the panics from last week. If
> you've got questions or comments, please give me a shout as soon as
> possible.
> - John 'Warthog9' Hawley
> Chief Administrator

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