systemtap release 1.6

From: Stan Cox
Date: Tue Jul 26 2011 - 12:17:36 EST

The systemtap team announces release 1.6

The systemtap compile-server now takes advantage of the module cache and is
downward compatible with older client versions, ARM support has been
improved so many tapsets and functions now work properly, the '-R' option
has been added to allow module renaming, probes now default to the CMD
process if -c CMD is given, process invocation errors now give better
feedback, -L now gives context variables for 'process.syscall', backtrace
support has been improved and is slightly faster, the transport layer now
insures that all control messages are delivered.

= Where to get it - our project page
git tag release-1.6 (commit X )

There have been over 186 commits since the last release.
There have been over 32 bugs/features fixed since the last release.

= How to build it

See the README and NEWS files at;a=tree
Further information at

= Systemtap frontend (stap) changes

- The systemtap compile-server no longer uses the -k option when calling the
stap translator. As a result, the server will now take advantage of the
module cache when compiling the same script more than once, possibly
resulting in improved server performance depending on the situation.

- The systemtap compile-server and client now each check the version of the
other, allowing both to adapt when communicating with a down-level
counterpart. As a result, all client and server versions can communicate
with each other. A client will prefer a newer server when selecting
a server automatically.

- SystemTap has improved support for the ARM architecture. The
kread() and kwrite() operations for ARM were corrected allowing many
of the tapsets probes and function to work properly on the ARM

- Systemtap error messages now provide feedback when staprun or any
other process fails to launch, for example when the user doesn't
have the proper permissions to launch staprun.

- Systemtap will now map - to _ in module names. Previously, stap -L
'module("i2c-core").function("*")' would return nothing, but it now
returns a list as if stap -L 'module("i2c_core").function("*") had
been specified.

- staprun -R can be used to rename the module to a unique name before
inserting it. Systemtap itself will also call staprun with '-R' by
default. This allows the same module to be inserted more than once,
without conflicting duplicate names.

- stap -L 'process("PATH").syscall' will now list context variables

= Systemtap script language changes

- Process names now default to the process specified by -c CMD. This
allows a usage like:
'process("PROC").function("*")... process("PROC").mark("*")...' -c 'PROC'
to instead be specified as
'process().function("*")... process().mark("*")...' -c 'PROC'

= Systemtap external dependents changes

- Depends on elfutils 0.142+.

= Contributors for this release

Lukas Berk, Dave Brolley, Frank Ch. Eigler, William Cohen, Stan Cox,
*Alfred Landrum, *Chris Meek, *Daniel Migault, *Marc Milgram, Petr Muller,
David Smith, *Yoshihide Sonoda, Josh Stone, *Atsushi Tsuji, Mark Wielaard,

Special thanks to new contributors, marked with '*' above.

= Examples of tested kernel versions

2.6.9-89 (i686)
2.6.18 (i686,x86_64) (ppc64)
2.6.35 (x86_64)
2.6.37 (i686,x86_64)

= Known issues with this release

- Some kernel crashes continue to be reported when a script probes
broad kernel function wildcards.

= Bugs fixed for this release

1288 mechanism to track safe/unsafe kernel address ranges
5163 tweak uprobes.ko build process
6954 ++ operations not triggering automatic global printing
10189 STP_START gets lost in a warning flood
10812 Improve buildid verification.
10857 dwarf unwinder doesn't handle call frame instructions taking expressions
11504 Wrong location for inferred type conflict in error message
11525 pr10854.exp locks up expect run
12008 map module("foo-bar") to module("foo_bar")
12033 'stap -l' variant with error reporting
12101 stap-server should use proper cert passwords
12427 implied process("...") target for stap -c CMD invocation
12580 Pass LC_* values to stap-server servers
12729 stap error message needs improvement
12743 stap -L process("path").syscall probes should list context variables
12770 loc2c generates an unsupported deref(8,...) on i686
12781 task_finder __stp_utrace_task_finder_target_syscall_entry code a bit fat
12784 correct DW_OP_{mod,div} division-by-zero bug
12785 systemd-managed tasks not visible to process probes on fedora 15
12787 __tcp_skb_dport should return value in host order.
12829 "Too many interrupts received." under sudo
12834 itrace not handling utrace engines properly
12876 cmdline_str breaks early on empty string argv[]
12877 task_finder doesn't get non-standard exec's right
12884 --tempdir option to specify the name of the temporary directory
12888 stap-serverd should not be required to use -k
12890 staprun on-the-fly module renaming
12899 dtrace script should handle: -o /dev/null, CC=gcc -option
12917 Implement compile-server/client versioning
12927 stack.c gets unknown field 'warning_symbol'
12955 unprivileged mode elaboration in man pages etc.
12960 _stp_ctl_send tries to msleep when out of memory
12998 improve error message on automatic --use-server mode
13001 !HAVE_NSS build failures
13026 staprun security bugs
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