Re: [PATCH 0/1] Implement /dev/byte (a generic byte source similiarto /dev/zero)
From: Alexander Holler
Date: Tue Apr 19 2011 - 05:32:54 EST
Am 19.04.2011 11:05, schrieb Alexander Holler:
Implementationwise I think I would have gone for allocating a new device
and range of 256 minors - that would avoid the funky stuff setting what
it fills with as you'd just fill with the minor number.
I thought about that too, but that would have been to easy (and static). ;)
And the usage of file descriptors was the only idea I've come up with,
which is multitasking and multiuser aware.
If I add the possibility to use minors to set the default value (but
still leave the possibility to change the default dynamically), would
that raise the chance to become included? ;)
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