[KORG] Announcing the longstanding secret kernel.org redundant infrastructure

From: J.H.
Date: Fri Apr 01 2011 - 03:09:20 EST

Hash: SHA1

Morning everyone,

Kernel.org would like to officially announce that we are unveiling our
long standing secret parallel infrastructure. This system has been in
place since kernel.org went online, but we have been very reluctant to
let people know about it, mainly or security reasons.

However due to another very generous donation from a large search engine
company, we are now announcing that kernel.org's redundant
infrastructure will now be hosted in the air 24x7, as kernel.org's
Skynet project actually takes to the air!

More information about this can be found at http://skynet.kernel.org,
please be patient as you are actually connecting to the machines in the
air and certain aspects of the site may be slow.

Anyway just wanted to let everyone know, and to hope everyone has a
pleasant day!

- - John 'Warthog9' Hawley
Chief Kernel.org Administrator
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