Re: [PATCH] posix-timers: RCU conversion

From: Ben Nagy
Date: Tue Mar 22 2011 - 04:59:35 EST

On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 12:54 PM, Eric Dumazet <eric.dumazet@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Ben Nagy reported a scalability problem with KVM/QEMU that hit very hard
> a single spinlock (idr_lock) in posix-timers code, on its 48 core
> machine.

Hi all,

Thanks a lot for all the help so far. We've tested with Eric's patch.

First up, here's our version of the patch for the current ubuntu
kernel from git:

Here's top with 96 idle guests running:
op - 16:47:53 up 1:09, 3 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
Tasks: 499 total, 3 running, 496 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 1.9%us, 3.2%sy, 0.0%ni, 95.0%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 99068656k total, 13121096k used, 85947560k free, 22192k buffers
Swap: 2438140k total, 0k used, 2438140k free, 3597860k cached
(much better!)

Start of perf top:

PerfTop: 10318 irqs/sec kernel:97.4% exact: 0.0% [1000Hz
cycles], (all, 48 CPUs)

samples pcnt function DSO
_______ _____ ___________________________

95444.00 59.3% __ticket_spin_lock
12937.00 8.0% native_safe_halt
6149.00 3.8% kvm_get_cs_db_l_bits
5105.00 3.2% tg_load_down
5088.00 3.2% svm_vcpu_run
4807.00 3.0% kvm_set_pfn_dirty
2855.00 1.8% ktime_get
1535.00 1.0% find_busiest_group
1386.00 0.9% find_next_bit

Start of perf report -g
55.26% kvm [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __ticket_spin_lock
--- __ticket_spin_lock
|--94.68%-- _raw_spin_lock
| |
| |--97.55%-- double_rq_lock
| | load_balance
| | idle_balance
| | schedule
| | |
| | |--60.56%--
| | |
| | | poll_schedule_timeout
| | | do_select
| | | core_sys_select
| | | sys_select
| | | system_call_fastpath

Here is the from the unpatched (non debug) kernel

Here is the from the patched (non debug) kernel

I think we're certainly in 'it's going to be useable' territory now,
but any further improvements or patches to test would of course be
gratefully received! Next step from my end is to test the guests under
load, unless there are any other suggestions.

I'm extremely impressed by the speed and professionalism of the
response to this problem, both from those on #kvm and the widening
circle of those on this email thread.

Many thanks!


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