Re: [GIT PULL] Generic PWM Device API

From: Sascha Hauer
Date: Mon Feb 28 2011 - 05:31:35 EST

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 09:38:38PM -0600, Bill Gatliff wrote:
> Andrew, Linus:
> The git repository described in the following pull request implements
> a generic PWM device driver API. This API is intended to eventually
> supercede the existing PWM device drivers, but during a migration
> period will coexist peacefully with them.

Sorry for the late answer, but it took some time to read the patches

Is it a good idea to have to APIs for the same thing in the kernel?
The old API has users whereas the new API has none. How can we migrate
from one API to the other when for example the backlight pwm driver
depends on the old API, SoC level drivers implement the old API, but
the atmel pwm driver is only available for the new API?


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