Re: [BUG] drm/i915 Screen corruption introduced by a00b10c360b35d6431a94cb

From: Indan Zupancic
Date: Mon Feb 21 2011 - 22:40:16 EST

On Tue, February 22, 2011 04:25, Indan Zupancic wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, February 20, 2011 14:21, Daniel Vetter wrote:
>> Well, don't start jumping around, yet. These patches are just to rule out
>> some theories. Now: Is it fixed with just the 2nd patch alone or do you need both
>> patches? This is very important, so please test extensively whether there are really
>> no corruptions with just the 2nd patch.
> I managed to create some corruption with an xterm above xpdf. It looks different
> than the original corruption, so I think it's safe to say it's a different bug:
> This was without xcompmgr running, I don't think I would have seen it otherwise.
> Actually, it turns out it's really easy to trigger as well, so I can more easily
> test patches now. Unfortunately I wasn't smart enough to store the bisecting kernels,
> gah!
> I tried with both your patches, as well as the HIC poking patch, but I still get it.
> I'll try to pinpoint more exactly when this started to happen.

Okay, I tried older kernels and I get it even with 2.6.34, so I think it's a bug
in userspace, like intel-dri, or perhaps the intel X driver (though I get the same
with an older version).



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