DVB TDA18218 tuner driver BUG in I2C write

From: Andrea Merello
Date: Fri Jan 21 2011 - 20:09:29 EST


I'm looking at tda18218.c file from 2.6.37 kernel.
I think the tda18218_wr_regs function has a bug:

I think it works as long as priv->cfg->i2c_wr_max is > than len parameter,
but let's assume that priv->cfg->i2c_wr_max is set to 2.

If tda18218_wr_regs is called with len = 1 it is easy to see it does
not perform the write. In this case:

msg_len_max is priv->cfg->i2c_wr_max -1, thus it is 1
remainder is len % msg_len_max, thus it is 0

the 'for loop' condition (i <= quotient && remainder) is thus false
and no write is performed at all.

I changed the function so it writes correctly now for me. Maybe you
prefer to fix the original algo rather than heavily changing it as I
did. Anyway I attach the patch I produced to make it working here.

Please note that I tested this only with priv->cfg->i2c_wr_max set to
2 and with the AF9035 driver that is not even in the kernel (any plan
to include ?) and I couldn't try this with any other in-kernel driver
due to lack of HW. So the patch need to be eventually checked and
tested more.

Thank you

--- drivers/media/common/tuners/tda18218_orig.c 2011-01-22
22:44:59.323333347 +0100
+++ drivers/media/common/tuners/tda18218.c 2011-01-22
22:46:36.846666668 +0100
@@ -28,8 +28,9 @@ MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, "Turn on/off deb
/* write multiple registers */
static int tda18218_wr_regs(struct tda18218_priv *priv, u8 reg, u8
*val, u8 len)
- int ret;
- u8 buf[1+len], quotient, remainder, i, msg_len, msg_len_max;
+ int ret=0;
+ u8 buf[1+len], msg_len, msg_len_max;
+ int remaining;
struct i2c_msg msg[1] = {
.addr = priv->cfg->i2c_address,
@@ -39,18 +40,21 @@ static int tda18218_wr_regs(struct tda18

msg_len_max = priv->cfg->i2c_wr_max - 1;
- quotient = len / msg_len_max;
- remainder = len % msg_len_max;
- msg_len = msg_len_max;
- for (i = 0; (i <= quotient && remainder); i++) {
- if (i == quotient) /* set len of the last msg */
- msg_len = remainder;
- msg[0].len = msg_len + 1;
- buf[0] = reg + i * msg_len_max;
- memcpy(&buf[1], &val[i * msg_len_max], msg_len);
+ remaining = len;
+ for (; remaining > 0;remaining -= msg_len_max) {
+ msg_len = remaining;
+ if (msg_len > msg_len_max) /* set len of the last msg */
+ msg_len = msg_len_max;
+ msg[0].len = msg_len +1;
+ buf[0] = reg + (len - remaining);
+ memcpy(&buf[1], &val[(len - remaining)], msg_len);

ret = i2c_transfer(priv->i2c, msg, 1);
if (ret != 1)
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