Re: [PATCH v2] spi: add OpenCores tiny SPI driver

From: Thomas Chou
Date: Thu Jan 20 2011 - 16:37:01 EST

Hi Grant,

Thanks a lot for the review.

On 01/21/2011 12:54 AM, Grant Likely wrote:
drivers/spi/oc_tiny_spi.c | 422 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Rename files to spi_oc_tiny.c



Do you really want this as a Kconfig symbol? Looks like something
that should be configured in pdata or the device tree.

I will drop this def, as linux use 00 as default.

+ if (t->len> 1) {
+ hw->base + TINY_SPI_TXDATA);
+ for (i = 2; i< t->len; i++) {
+ while (!(readb(hw->base + TINY_SPI_STATUS)&
+ cpu_relax();
+ hw->base + TINY_SPI_TXDATA);
+ }
+ }
+ while (!(readb(hw->base + TINY_SPI_STATUS)&
+ cpu_relax();

I see a bunch of while loops in this function with no exit condition
if something goes badly with the hardware. Also, this driver is going
to chew up *a lot* of cpu cycles when not using irqs. Consider
putting the polled work into a tasklet instead of blindly spinning.
It will actually make the driver simpler because the irq and non-irq
cases become very similar.

But bitbang driver already runs as a workqueue, do we still need to create a tasklet?

bitbang->workqueue = create_singlethread_workqueue(

+ hw->bitbang.master->dev.of_node = pdev->dev.of_node;
+ val = of_get_property(pdev->dev.of_node, "baud-width", NULL);


These properties need to be documented. See below.

This is the width of baud rate divider. I will document it. Do you have suggestion on the naming?

+#ifdef CONFIG_OF
+static struct of_device_id oc_tiny_spi_match[] = {
+ {
+ .compatible = "opencores,oc_tiny_spi",

If this is a soft core, then there should be a version number of some
sort on the compatible value. Also, please use dash '-' instead of
underscore '_' in compatible values. Also, for all of these new
bindings, they need to be documented. Please add documentation to
Documentation/powerpc/dts-bindings (yes, I know, this is not
for powerpc, but that is the established directory. I'll move it to a
better location soon).

Finally, one nitpick. For conciseness, most of_device_id tables are
written in the form:

static struct of_device_id oc_tiny_spi_match[] = {
{ .compatible = "opencores,oc_tiny_spi", }, },

Nice. I am working with Walter on the dts generator for our cores. We will add them to the listing.

+static int __init tiny_spi_init(void)
+ return platform_driver_probe(&tiny_spidrv, tiny_spi_probe);

Please use platform_driver_register, and put your probe function into
the platform_driver structure.

OK. I will do the same for spi_altera.

Best regards,
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