Re: On Linux numbering scheme

From: Tejun Heo
Date: Mon Oct 25 2010 - 05:56:17 EST

On 10/25/2010 11:45 AM, Artem S. Tashkinov wrote:
> That's my point. "2.6" prefix is totally meaningless nowadays. I just
> want to rejuvenate the numbering scheme and make it easy to understand
> and comprehend. What's the difference between .16 and .36? Besides, I
> just think these huge numbers look unsightly. Do you know any other
> piece of software which has the same huge numbers?

Well, there's no difference between 16 and 36, so what would be the
rationale for changing it? The only reason is that it's unsightly and
uncommon, but, if you ask me, 36 is _much_ closer to 42 and so is
_much_ better. The glory days of kernel 42 are coming. Lo and

Also, it costs to change numbering scheme. Think about all the
scripts, distros, poor admins and technical writers (and the dolphins
and fishes). If 2.6. is too ugly and useless, let's let it wither
away in places it doesn't matter. No reason to cause disruption
without any real benefit.


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