bind a usb device to a driver

From: Pavlos Vinieratos
Date: Tue Oct 19 2010 - 05:48:22 EST


I am writing a usb device driver. I have written most of the driver,
and I have tried with the usb-skeleton with my product and vendor id,
to insmod the driver and then unbind the device from usbhid and bind
it to my driver. I use echo -n "3-2:1.0" > /sys/bus/usb/...../unbind
and bind. It unbinds, but the binding fails. echo says there is no
such device..
I tried blacklisting the hid_sony that gets loaded. should I blacklist
hid as well? will I be able to use my mouse and keyboard then? I tried
making a rule in modprobe.d. nothing..
What should I do?

I then tried writing a user space driver, but after I set everything
up (configs, interfaces..) usb_interrupt_read always returns -110
(device busy)..

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