RE: [Bug #16462] unable to connect to hidden SSID AP on legalchannel 13
From: Berg, Johannes
Date: Mon Oct 11 2010 - 03:33:44 EST
I believe that we have fixed the part of this bug that was a regression, namely being unable to connect to a non-hidden SSID, in 2.6.35 commit 3ee378d7e0dfdb9bb. Being able to connect to a hidden SSID I believe isn't a regression, and a patch for that is on its way upstream for 2.6.37. I think you should stop tracking this as a regression.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rafael J. Wysocki [mailto:rjw@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2010 9:19 PM
> To: Linux Kernel Mailing List
> Cc: Kernel Testers List; Maciej Rutecki; Florian Mickler; Daniel J
> Blueman; Berg, Johannes
> Subject: [Bug #16462] unable to connect to hidden SSID AP on legal
> channel 13
> This message has been generated automatically as a part of a report
> of regressions introduced between 2.6.34 and 2.6.35.
> The following bug entry is on the current list of known regressions
> introduced between 2.6.34 and 2.6.35. Please verify if it still should
> be listed and let the tracking team know (either way).
> Bug-Entry :
> Subject : unable to connect to hidden SSID AP on legal
> channel 13
> Submitter : Daniel J Blueman <daniel.blueman@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date : 2010-07-25 17:06 (78 days old)
> Handled-By : Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@xxxxxxxxx>
> Patch :
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