Re: [RESEND] [PATCH] Input: add appleir USB driver

From: Oliver Neukum
Date: Tue Oct 05 2010 - 02:17:43 EST

Am Dienstag, 5. Oktober 2010, 08:08:22 schrieb Dmitry Torokhov:
> > But what about the next opener? He'll get a completely spurious
> > key release event, as the next key is pressed.
> How does the opening of a device handle relate to a device state?

It doesn't.

> Userspace should expect to see releases without presses (in case they
> weren't the first client that opened the device).

Yes, but based on sane timing. From the time stamps user space
would conclude that the key had been pressed at an unknown time
before open and released at the time the event indicates. Possibly
it would compute that the key had been held for at least hours.

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