Long maintenance kernel versions.

From: Geoffrey Said
Date: Fri Sep 24 2010 - 01:10:21 EST

To whom it may concern.

I would like to put forward the following questions. Hope that I am
not making a fool of myself!

How is the procedure by which a certain kernel version is declared as
a long maintenance version?
Is the version decided before or after the release of the stable kernel?
And where can I check for planned long term maintenance versions?

I am asking the above questions because we are migrating our Linux OS
to the 2.6.34 kernel and we have learned that this will not be
actively maintained and we are advised to switch to the 35 one.
Since a lot of effort has been put to migrate to the 2.6.34 kernel and
a lot of testing has been done, it is frustrating to hear the above

>From our point of view it would be nice to declare a version log term
maintenance before or at least on release so that we can migrate
between long-term kernels.

Thanks and regards
Geoffrey Said
Software Developer
2X Software - http://www.2x.com
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