Re: Problems Compile Misc Module Example

From: Pistis Valentino
Date: Thu Aug 12 2010 - 12:25:39 EST

2010/8/12 Randy Dunlap <randy.dunlap@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> On 08/12/10 09:09, Pistis Valentino wrote:
>> Hello,
>> to be fair, I write how I solved my problem:
>> i have 2 files driver_ase.c and driver_ase.h.
>> Inside a .h file there was some declarations includes for kernel
>> headers used only by driver_ase.c.
>> This includes declarations make a problems during compile the service_ase.c.
>> In other words the problem is not in the kernel, but is my C (header)
>> kow-how  problem.
> Glad to hear that you have solved this.
>> Sorry
>> Ciao
>> Vale
>> P.S. Make and Compile the kernel modules it's very hard! lacks a
>> coherent and updated documentation for non-experts.
> Well, we try, but if you would like to add some documentation on it,
> please send it.

Your work is precious and very great!
Thank you so much!

Within a few days will send a brief documentation on my work-example
and the precautions I had taken.
So who has never written a sample driver from scratch will avoid the
problems I found.

Show me where it is ok to send the doc on this mailing list.

>> 2010/8/12 Pistis Valentino <vale.pistis@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>> Yes i used this Makefile for compiling a module (and no errors),
>>> but the problem is in the compiling the service_ase.
>>> The section 2 of Documentation describe the same makefile that i use.
>>> I do not know what else to do
>>> ============== Makefile ================
>>> obj-m := driver_ase.o
>>> KDIR    := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
>>> PWD     := $(shell pwd)
>>> all:
>>>        $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) M=$(PWD) modules
>>> clean:
>>>        $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) M=$(PWD) clean
>>> ===========================================
>>> 2010/8/12 Randy Dunlap <randy.dunlap@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> On Thu, 12 Aug 2010 01:46:27 +0200 Pistis Valentino wrote:
>>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>>> I'm studying how to build kernel modules.
>>>>> Right now I have found some strange errors and nothing solutions in the web.
>>>>> I compiled my kernel module "driver_ase" whose files are driver_ase.h,
>>>>> driver_ase.c.
>>>>> No errors in compilation, the module is also loaded correctly.
>>>>> I wrote a small service "service_ase.c" using the kernel module that I created.
>>>>> I found a lot of errors.
>>>>> the only explanation IMO is that the directory has been renamed  from
>>>>> "/usr/src/linux-" in
>>>>> "/usr/src/linux-", the errors make me
>>>>> think that some header file has not yet updated.
>>>>> You may like this or something wrong?
>>>>> Could you help me please?
>>>>> I'm using Debian Sidux with kernel compiled.
>>>>> In the bottom of the mail has the source codes, and the error.
>>>>> It is a bit long error message, sorry!
>>>> You need a minimal Makefile.
>>>> Please see Documentation/kbuild/modules.txt, section 2. How to build external modules.
>>>> ---
>>>> ~Randy
>>>> *** Remember to use Documentation/SubmitChecklist when testing your code ***
> --
> ~Randy
> *** Remember to use Documentation/SubmitChecklist when testing your code ***
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