Re: [patch 2/2] x86 NMI-safe INT3 and Page Fault

From: Jeffrey Merkey
Date: Fri Jul 16 2010 - 18:53:45 EST

> Well, the way I handled this problem on NetWare SMP and that other
> kernel was to create a pool of TSS descriptors and reload each during
> the exception to swap stacks before any handlers were called.  Allowed
> it to nest until I ran out of TSS descriptors (64 levels).  Not sure
> that's the way to go here though but it worked on that case.
> Jeff

Here is where that old dusty code lives these days - it deals with this problem.

file to look at is startup.386

; nmi entry code

nmi_entry macro
push ebx
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub ebp, SIZE TaskStateSegment
mov ebx, ebp

mov [ebp].tSS, ss
mov [ebp].tGS, gs ; save segment registers
mov [ebp].tFS, fs
mov [ebp].tES, es
mov [ebp].tDS, ds
pop [ebp].tEBP
mov [ebp].tEDI, edi
mov [ebp].tESI, esi
mov [ebp].tEDX, edx
mov [ebp].tECX, ecx
pop [ebp].tEBX
mov [ebp].tEAX, eax

pop [ebp].tEIP ; remove return address
pop eax
mov [ebp].tCS, ax
pop [ebp].tSystemFlags ; get flags into TSS

mov [ebp].tESP, esp ; save true stack address
mov esp, ebx ; cover stack frame

mov eax, CR0
and eax, 0FFFFFFF7h ; clear task switch bit in CR0 to
mov CR0, eax ; avoid NPX exceptions

xor eax, eax
mov dr7, eax ; disable breakpoints

mov eax, CR3 ;
mov [ebp].tCR3, eax ;
mov eax, DebuggerPDE
mov CR3, eax

; if we do not clear the NESTED_TASK_FLAG, then the IRET
; at the end of this function will cause
; an invalid TSS exception to be generated because the
; task busy bit was cleared earlier

or dword ptr [esp], RESUME_FLAG

mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh ; mark as a non-pooled TSS exception
push eax

push 0
push 0
push ebp


; TSS entry code

task_entry macro
LOCAL @UsedDefaultSegment
LOCAL @UsedPooledSegment
LOCAL @EnterTheDebugger

xor eax, eax
str ax
mov esi, offset SystemGDTTable
mov esi, dword ptr [esi + 2]
lea ebx, [esi + eax]
mov al, [ebx].TSSBase2
mov ah, [ebx].TSSBase3
shl eax, 16
mov ax, [ebx].TSSBase1

; eax -> TSS Segment (Current)
; ebx -> TSS Descriptor (Current)

movzx ecx, word ptr [eax].tBackLink
or ecx, ecx
jz @TSSNotNested

mov esi, offset SystemGDTTable
mov esi, dword ptr [esi + 2]
lea edx, [esi + ecx]
mov cl, [edx].TSSBase2
mov ch, [edx].TSSBase3
shl ecx, 16
mov cx, [edx].TSSBase1

mov ebp, ecx

; edx -> TSS Descriptor (Previous)
; ebp -> TSS Segment (Previous)
; clear busy state and reset TSS

mov [edx].TSSType, 10001001b

mov [ebx].TSSType, 10001001b

lgdt ds: SystemGDTTable ; reset GDT TSS Busy bit

movzx eax, word ptr [eax].tBackLink
or eax, eax
jz @NoLTR

ltr ax


mov eax, CR0
and eax, 0FFFFFFF7h ; clear task switch bit in CR0 to
mov CR0, eax ; avoid NPX exceptions

xor eax, eax
mov dr7, eax ; disable breakpoints

or dword ptr [esp], RESUME_FLAG

push ebp
call AllocPooledResource
pop ebp

or eax, eax
jz @UsedDefaultSegment

lea ebp, [eax].TSSSegment
mov esp, [eax].StackTop

push eax ; push address of pooled resource
jmp @UsedPooledSegment

mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh ; push non-pooled marker onto the stack
push eax


push 0
mov eax, CR2 ; get fault address
push eax
push ebp ; pass the TSS


; TSS exit code

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