Re: [Regression] 2.6.34-rc1 sky2 mtu on second port defaults to 576

From: Michael Breuer
Date: Tue Mar 16 2010 - 14:47:01 EST

On 3/16/2010 12:17 PM, Michael Breuer wrote:
On 3/16/2010 11:03 AM, Michael Breuer wrote:
Haven't bisected - problem seemed to have started around 2.6.34-rc1-0933 (not seen before the rc1 tag).

On boot, eth1 ends up with MTU of 576 (eth0 is 1500). My f12 startup scripts are not setting MTU (never have).

Nothing of note in dmesg
No change to .config
No mtu change reported in log.

Basically, sky2 reports eth1 up... and within the same second begins reporting receive length errors. Most network functions via eth1 fail.

ifconfig eth1 reveals mtu of 576, setting mtu to 1500 restores network functionality.

Booting back to 2.6.33-06233 (git from March 8) the problem does not manifest.

I'll bisect if this isn't obvious to someone.
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Never mind... Cablevision changed my cable modem... dhcp is setting the mtu option to 576 (never did before). grrrr. My one fallback test seems to have been a fluke.
And one last update... turns out not Cablevision either. There was an F12 update to dhcp client over the weekend to enable request (and set) of interface.mtu by default. Previously, dhcp client was not requesting or setting the mtu.
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